Webinar Chances for Water and AMR in India

30/06/2023 - 30/06/2023
09:30 AM - 10:30 AM CET
Online webinar
RVO Netherlands

Want to know more about business opportunities in combating antimicrobial resistance (AMR) in India? Then join the webinar ‘Opportunities for water and AMR’ on Friday 30 June 2023. Experts will then tell you all about developments in AMR and the opportunities in this area in India.

The Netherlands is known for its expertise in the water sector. Many Dutch companies are working on innovation and new techniques. This includes techniques that combat antimicrobial resistance (AMR) in water. They remove antibiotics and resistant pathogens from wastewater. India faces a major resistance problem, due to antimicrobials and resistant microorganisms in waste and surface water. These major problems also present (business) opportunities to clean up the environment in India.

For whom?
The webinar is aimed at Dutch companies with solutions to combat antimicrobial resistance. Examples include:

  • Wastewater treatment
  • Laboratory testing
  • Advice

Why participate?
By participating in this webinar:

  • You will hear why India is interesting for Dutch companies in AMR combating technology
  • You will learn more about the market opportunities and this sector in India
  • Meet other companies in the sector that are interested in doing business with India
  • Hear how you can participate in the fact-finding mission to India (if there is enough interest).

Registration: Webinar kansen voor Water en AMR in India (rvo.nl)



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