“UK groups launch AMR diagnostics collaborative”

“To help support antimicrobial stewardship efforts in the United Kingdom, health officials today announced the formal launch of the UK Antimicrobial Resistance (AMR) Diagnostic Collaborative.

The group brings together partners from the National Health Service, academic institutions, industry, and other national groups to coordinate the development of guidance and evaluation of interventions to integrate high-quality diagnostics.

Fiona Carragher, MSc, chair of the new UK AMR Diagnostic Collaborative, who is also deputy chief science officer with NHS England, said in post on Global Cause, a global health news site, said diagnostics are a crucial weapon in the battle against antimicrobial resistance, “but they can only deliver their true potential if we get right the what, when, where and how of diagnostic use.”

Rapid point-of-care testing has the potential to help guide appropriate treatment decisions, and as new technology, but the new devices need to meet high expectations, she said, adding that effective evaluation will need a coordinated approach at all steps, from innovation to implementation. Carragher also said a structured approach is needed for education and training for staff that will be involved in using the new tests.”

Source: CIDRAP


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