Innovate UK
Innovate UK is the UK’s national innovation agency. They support business-led innovation in all sectors, technologies and UK regions. They help businesses grow through the development and commercialisation of new products, processes, and services, supported by an outstanding innovation ecosystem that is agile, inclusive, and easy to navigate.
Innovate UK is part of UK Research and Innovation.
Phone: +44(0)1793 361 000
Email: support@innovateuk.ukri.org
Innovate UK EDGE
Innovate UK’s business growth service, Innovate UK EDGE, offers intensive growth and scaling support tailored to the needs of ambitious, high-growth, innovation-driven small or medium sized businesses. Each client’s leadership team collaborates with an Innovation & Growth Specialist to hone its commercial strategy and identify targeted action to:
• Exploit their innovation to grow and scale
• Source funding and finance
• Enter global markets
Innovate UK EDGE brings in wider ecosystem resources to enable clients to capitalise on their IP, find commercial and R&D partners, access cutting-edge facilities and convene in growth-stimulating Peer Networks.
Phone: +44(0)300 123 3066