Criteria to join 

  • What UK organisations can participate in the mission?
    Innovate UK exists to help UK businesses drive their ideas for new products and services to commercialisation. Therefore, we are looking for businesses working in the AMR space. In exceptional cases we may also be able to welcome AMR professionals from non-business organisations, but Innovate UK reserves the right not to support your application.
  • What non-UK organisations can participate in the mission?
    We are looking primarily for businesses interested in partnering with UK AMR businesses. However, we would also be interested in AMR professionals in academia, intermediaries or other organisations, who have an interest in partnering with UK businesses with the aim of developing new AMR solutions in the UK. The selection process is competitive and Innovate UK’s decision on who to invite as part of the delegation is final.

Costs involved

  • What are the costs involved for participating UK organisations?
    The programme of lectures, workshops, meetings and networking is free of charge, however, as indicated elsewhere, UK participants will need to pay for their own travel. The programme is still being finalised, where food and drinks are provided as part of the programme we will make that clear, however, you should expect to provide for your own lunch and where applicable, dinner.
  • What are the costs involved for non-UK organisations?
    We will provide transport for the overseas delegation during the programme in the UK from the start on Monday morning until the end of the programme on Friday afternoon. You will have to fund your travel to the UK and any overnight stays. The programme is still being finalised, where food and drink are provided as part of the programme we will make that clear, however, you should expect to provide for your own lunch and where applicable, dinner.


  • How can UK organisations register?
    Please register via https://inward-amr-innovation-mission-to.b2match.io/ [TBC]
  • When is the deadline for registration for UK companies?
    UK companies can register up to and including [TBD]
  • How can non-UK organisations register?
    For this AMR inward mission, Innovate UK are partnering with AMR Insights, the global AMR networking and knowledge-sharing platform. AMR Insights  
  • When is the deadline for registration for non-UK companies?
    Non-UK organisations can register up to and including [TBD]

Pre-visit briefing meetings on 22 May 2024 

  • What is the purpose of the pre-visit briefing?
    The purpose of the pre-visit briefings is to help you make the most of the inward mission programme, whether you are part of the overseas delegation or a UK delegate. We will inform you in more detail what the programme is about, who will take part and how the mission is organised. The briefing will also allow you to ask any questions you might have that we have not thought of or where we have not been clear.
  • Why are there different pre-visit briefings for UK and non-UK organisations?
    The arrangements and requirements for both groups are somewhat different, for example there will be visa and specific covid-19 requirements for overseas delegates. This group will travel together, which will bring its own challenges and requirements.
  • If I can’t attend the pre-visit briefing, can I watch a recording?
    Yes, we will make recordings available so that you can listen back to the briefing during the time that best suits you. Let us know if you would like to have the recording. 


  • What will be the program of the mission?
    We are developing a great programme of lectures, workshops, networking, and matchmaking events and discussions, organised over five days and taking place in three of the main AMR clusters in the UK – Glasgow (covering also Scotland and Northern Ireland), Alderley Park near Manchester (covering the Northwest of England) and Cambridge (covering te Golden Triangle and Southern England). The aim of the programme is to encourage partnerships and knowledge sharing between the UK and a group of overseas AMR companies in order to help solve the AMR challenge as well as drive business innovation and economic growth.
  • Do I have to attend the full five days as a non-UK company?
    We strongly encourage non-UK companies to attend the full programme.
  • Do I have to attend the full five days as a UK company?
    As a UK company you are free to set the number of days you would like to attend yourself. 
  • Will the program be offered in other languages than English?
    The program will be offered in English. We are currently exploring opportunities to have simultaneous translations of the lectures by means of a high tech, translational tool.


  • What is B2Match and how will it be used?
    B2Match is the proprietary matchmaking platform we use to help you find the most valuable partners and connections as part of the AMR Inward Mission’s programme. The platform relies on you to provide details of your business, what products and services you are offering or seeking to develop and who you would like to connect with. The better information the platform holds, the better the matchmaking, so please make sure your profile and information are the best they can be.
  • What is the matchmaking / partnering program of the mission?
    This part of the programme is at the heart of what we are trying to do – foster useful connections for you that will enable you to bring your new ideas to fruition. Matchmaking, partnering and networking sessions are woven through the whole of the programme, supported by our state-of-the-art B2Match platform. The programme will be available on our website and we encourage you to keep an eye on it whilst we keep developing it further over the next couple of weeks.
  • Is the matchmaking / partnering program obligatory?
    We do not think we need to make any part of the programme mandatory, we are here to help you as a business.  We would, however, strongly encourage you to familiarise yourself with the programme, engage with it and the other delegates and participants so that you get the most out of the opportunities that we are putting a lot of effort into providing for you.
  • Will the program be streamed / online available?
    The programme is designed for face-to-face interactions and it is very unlikely that the programme will be made accessible or available on-line. However, there may be opportunities to record part of the proceedings and we will endeavour to make these available via the AMR Insights website.
  • Can the matchmaking / partnering program be attended online?
    The main programme, including matchmaking and partnering will be in person. We are using the B2Match platform to make it easier for you to find potential partners and to manage the discussions you will be having. We will also keep the platform open for a number of weeks, so that when you return to your usual place of work, you will be able to continue building connections
  • Will I have access to the list of attendees before the start of the mission?
    You will be informed on the UK as well as non-UK attendees before the start of the mission. 

Logistics, lodging and travel

  • When will the mission take place?
    The inward mission programme will start at 9 am on Monday 3 June 2024 in Glasgow, Scotland and finish at 4:30 pm on Friday 7 June in Cambridge, England.
  • How is the transport to and from the UK organised?
    Selected non-UK delegates will need to book and pay their own flights to and from the UK. Please consider in a timely manner the need for a visa. You must apply for your own visa. Upon request Innovate UK can send an invitation letter. If you need an invitation letter than let us know as soon as possible.  
  • How is the transport within the UK organised?
    Transport for the overseas delegation will be provided as part of the programme. We strongly welcome UK businesses to connect with the delegation as it travels through the UK; the programme is designed to help make valuable connections and partnerships between UK and overseas delegates. Following Innovate UK established practice, we are unfortunately not able to pay UK participants’ travel, but we hope you will find the programme is attractive and that you will come and join in the great range of activities.
  • Do I have to book the train travel? How do I ensure a seat?
    The overseas delegation will travel together as a group and transport as part of the main programme will be provided. You will need to provide your own transport to the start of the programme in Glasgow and at the end of the programme in Cambridge. We do not provide transport back from Cambridge. So your outbound flight should be booked from one of the English airports. 
  • Do I have to book the hotels myself?
    All UK as well as non-UK participants have to book their own hotels. Innovate UK will try to negotiate attractive arrangements with hotels in the 3 places where we will stay and inform you on the names and contact data of these hotels. 
  • How do I get reduced hotel costs?
    We are actively recruiting the delegation at the moment. Once we have a good idea of the number of delegates and the final programme, we will seek to approach a number of hotels in each of the clusters we are visiting with a view to obtain discounts for delegates who want to take up the offer. We will keep you informed and will try and answer any questions you may have to the best of our ability.
  • Can I reserve lunches/dinners?
    We are continuing to build and refine the programme, with new details being added all the time, please keep an eye on our website for updates. When we have a good idea of what the final programme will look like, we will have a better view on whether lunches and dinners can be provided as part of the programme or whether we need to ask you to make your own provision.
  • I have specific dietary requirements, will these be accommodated for?
    Please let us know what your requirements are and we will do our utmost best to accommodate these.
  • Do I need to bring anything to this mission?
    There may be specific requirements for overseas visitors in terms of covid-19, UK entry requirements (visa), but apart from that, there is no need to bring anything to the programme.
  • What is the dress code?
    There is no specific dress code, although it is likely that most UK delegates will come dressed in business or smart casual attire.
  • Is there a contact number for emergencies?
    Yes, details will be provided nearer to the time of the visit.
  • Can you make adjustments to the programme because of disability, religious belief, etc…?Innovate UK want to make this great opportunity available to as broad a cross-section of the population as possible. We will endeavour to make any reasonable adjustments to allow you to take part, whether you are a UK participant or overseas delegate. Please let us know what your specific requirements are and we will try our best within the constraints of our budget and the needs of the group and programme as a whole.
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