The Global Antimicrobial Stewardship Partnership Hub (GASPH): creating conditions for successful global partnership collaboration

  20 September 2022

In 2015, 196 countries formally committed to a Global Action Plan to address the antimicrobial resistance (AMR) crisis. However, despite progress in establishing surveillance data and investment in new antimicrobials, support for education and training on optimal use of antimicrobial agents is still lagging behind. To address this, BSAC has launched the Global Stewardship Partnership Hub (GASPH), as Professor Dilip Nathwani, explains…

As the recent GRAM Report confirms, AMR is now one of the world’s leading causes of death and overuse of antimicrobials is one of the biggest drivers of AMR. To address this education and training on antimicrobial stewardship (AMS) is needed to accelerate change in responsible use of antimicrobials.

However, for AMS education interventions one size does not fit all. We require a better understanding of how to establish cohesive, structured education and training provision for AMS programmes across all health economies, and how the impact of such programmes can be measured. Against this landscape, and to address the identified education needs BSAC in collaboration with several global partners, including AMR Insights, are excited to have launched the Global Antimicrobial Stewardship Partnership Hub (GASPH), with the aspiration of establishing a truly cooperative global community dedicated to addressing the challenges of AMR through shared education, training, and tacit learning.

The provision of an open-access e-learning, knowledge-sharing platform will amplify, promote, and enhance the work undertaken by a range of stakeholders now and in the future. Regular virtual meetings will support sharing of outputs from collaboration and stimulate discussion of key issues, exploration of further areas for collaborative working and development of new relationships.

Partners organisations will be multi-professional, ranging from professional societies, NGOs, and others. Their primary focus will be to actively promote or champion sharing and curation of digital learning to create a global knowledge network focused on education and “real world” implementation of AMS and broader AMR interventions. 

The key benefits of GASPH are that it is free! Both for partner organisations wishing to become members to share resources including good practice examples and for individual learners wishing to access the wealth of education and training available. Also, importantly, the source of resources is transparent and where appropriate, resources are quality assured.

We hope you will join us on this journey to achieve our ambition of an open-access education utopia that will support our mission to utilise shared knowledge and experience to slow the AMR pandemic.

To find out more, visit the GASPH website.

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