Computationally drived peptide based binder

PepDRED transforms peptide design by integrating advanced computational tools into an intuitive platform for non-computational biologists. It enables precise control of peptide modifications, fostering innovation in peptide development

Our technology is amenable and can be modulated according to the goal. It’s simple to use and is reproducible.

  • Microbial diagnostics
  • Infection prevention
  • Antimicrobial stewardship
  • Antimicrobial compound/strategy
  • Removal antibiotics/bacteria

  • Bacteria
  • Viruses
  • Fungi
  • Yeasts
  • Parasites

  • Human
  • Veterinary
  • AgriFood
  • Environmental
  • Other

Development stage:
  • Research
  • Development
  • Validation
  • Market entry
  • Marketed product

  • Academia
  • Company
  • Institute
  • NGO
  • Government

  • Co-develop
  • Outsource
  • Joint Venture
  • License
  • Sell

Funding organisation:
  • OTHER / NA
  • CARB-X
  • FIND

Infectious disease area:
  • UTI
  • STI
  • BSI
  • RTI
  • GII
  • SSTI
  • CNSI
  • IAI
  • SSI

Geographic origin:
  • North America
  • South America
  • Eurasia
  • Africa
  • Oceania

Our group is interested in developing enabling technologies to facilitate disease diagnostics and control with trace amount of clinical samples. The major technologies developed in our lab include single-cell Mass Cytometry (CyTOF), tissue in situ single cell high-throughput target analysis (mass spectrum imaging), single-cell Western Blot, Feedback System Control (FSC) for rapid combinatorial drug development, Artificial Intelligence guided large-scale drug-drug integration analysis (AI-Medicine), microfluidic devices for rare patient sample handling, BioMEMS and Biosensors for disease early diagnostics.

Our lab also work on lab on chip and microfluidics based chip design for drug formulations and cell separation.

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