“Super-superbug clones invade Gulf States”

“A new wave of highly antibiotic resistant superbugs has been found in the Middle East Gulf States, discovered by University of Queensland researchers.

UQ Centre for Clinical Research group leader Dr Hosam Zowawi said his team had witnessed rapid growth of the new multi-drug resistant clones – variants of existing superbugs in the Gulf States, but which had never before seen in the region.

“The new clones, dubbed super-superbugs for being internationally identified as high-risk, can destroy even last-line safe antibiotics,” Dr Zowawi said.

“These findings suggest that the region may also harbour unique superbug clones that are spreading and dominating the Gulf States.

“In the United States, the Center for Diseases Control and Prevention estimated that P. aeruginosa (a bacteria) is responsible for more than 50,000 hospital-related infections each year.

“The increased prevalence of these high-risk clones, the super-superbugs, is worrying because they can be very difficult to treat and may lead to death in immunocompromised patients or those in intensive care.”

Source: The University of Queensland



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