Social Science Network in AMR Roundtables One Health communications and AMR: Policy, practice & politics

  18 June 2021

This SSN roundtable event considers how one health communication approaches might be profitably translated into action. Discussants will consider framings of one health from the points of view of policy decision-making, health care practice and social research. They will also discuss how shared understanding of one health can support goals and targets that will help us know that we are making a difference in efforts to mitigate AMR.

Join us for this opportunity to debate the ways forward for AMR policy and communications.

Chair: Mark Davis, Centre to Impact AMR

Dr Jonathan Dartnell, NPS MedicineWise

One Health AMR communications: What can we learn from medicines policy?

Dr Mihaela Ivan, Victorian Department of Health

One Health approach – applications for an effective public health response to AMR

Dr Erik Baekkeskov, University of Melbourne

The promises and pitfalls of polysemic ideas: ‘One Health’ and antimicrobial resistance policy in Australia and the UK

Date and time

Thu, 1 July 2021 /  7:00 AM – 8:00 AM CEST


Author(s): Center to Impact AMR / Monash University
Effective Surveillance  


Unrestricted financial support by:

Antimicrobial Resistance Fighter Coalition

Bangalore Bioinnovation Centre




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