Sepsis Management and Antimicrobial Stewardship Programs: Strengthening the Relationship

  03 October 2020

Administering antimicrobial therapy is essential for treating the underlying infections that cause sepsis, but the protocols for doing so can, at times, clash with antimicrobial stewardship guidelines. A stronger alignment between sepsis protocols and antimicrobial stewardship programs, as well as heightened awareness of the relationship between the two, may help balance these two critical aspects of healthcare.

The timely administration of antimicrobial agents is a vital aspect of sepsis management—it has been used even before the publication of the first sepsis management guidelines. This is because research shows a strong correlation between the time-until-treatment and appropriateness of antimicrobials to mortality in sepsis patients. However, the need to quickly administer effective therapy can lead to clinicians turning to broad-spectrum antimicrobial agents, which can contribute to increased antimicrobial resistance.

Further reading: BioMerieux Connection
Author(s): BioMerieux Connection editors
Effective Surveillance  


Unrestricted financial support by:

Antimicrobial Resistance Fighter Coalition

Bangalore Bioinnovation Centre




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