Review of Progress on Antimicrobial Resistance

  14 October 2019

A startling lack of progress on critical recommendations to tackle antimicrobial resistance is highlighted in this new global progress report, as well as opportunities for further action and key obstacles that need to be overcome.

The take home messages of the summary by Dr Charles Clift

The 2016 Review on Antimicrobial Resistance has had a global impact. However, there has been very little progress on the review’s recommendations for transforming R&D incentives for antibiotics, vaccines and diagnostics. Although there has been greater investment in awareness raising, questions remain about its impact and effectiveness in changing behaviour.

Although there have been significant advances in reducing antibiotic use in agriculture high-income countries, there is a long way to go in LMICs. Proposals to restrict OTC sales of antibiotics have foundered in the face of poor living conditions and access to healthcare in LMICs. A major reason for the use of antibiotics in LMICs is the prevalence of unhygienic conditions in the community and in healthcare facilities, which contribute to infection. Providing quality healthcare to all and moving towards universal health coverage in LMICs will be crucial.

A greater emphasis on investments in water, sanitation and housing will be central to reducing reliance on antibiotics in LMICs in the longer term.

Investments have been made in improving surveillance of antibiotic use and resistance. More effort is required to create surveillance systems that provide data sufficiently accurate to influence policy and action. This applies also to antibiotics and resistant genes circulating in the environment.

For the  video of the conference see here

Further reading: Chatham House
Author(s): Dr Charles Clift
Effective Surveillance  


Unrestricted financial support by:

Antimicrobial Resistance Fighter Coalition

Bangalore Bioinnovation Centre




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