Reports: India set to ban use of colistin in livestock

The Indian government may be nearing a ban on the use of colistin for growth promotion in food-producing animals, according to media reports.

The UK-based Bureau of Investigative Journalism and Livemint, an Indian business news website, report that India’s National Antimicrobial Resistance Action Plan committee, the country’s top drug advisory body, and government agencies that oversee agriculture and food safety have all recommended that the Indian government ban the use of the last-resort antibiotic in livestock in an effort to preserve the drug’s efficacy in humans.

An advisor to the committee told the Bureau of Investigative Journalism that the Indian government is in the processing of crafting a rule on colistin use.

Meanwhile, a ban on colistin in animal feed to will go into effect shortly in Malaysia, according to Malaysian media reports.

Source and further reading: CIDRAP

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