ProMED antimicrobial resistance network; ProMED-AMR

  06 June 2020

The International Society for Infectious Diseases and ProMED are pleased to announce a new global surveillance network focusing on antimicrobial resistance. ProMED-AMR will collect new information using digital disease detection methods and non-traditional sources, which will be vetted, analyzed, and commented upon by a global team of AMR subject matter specialists. Reports on trends, new cases, or clusters of AMR will be disseminated in near real-time to an international audience, in an effort to enhance global AMR surveillance. The primary goal of ProMED-AMR is to build global public health capacity to rapidly detect and validate the occurrence of antimicrobial resistant pathogens in animals, humans, and the environment to help prevent further AMR expansion. ProMED-AMR will engage the international infectious diseases community in a forum for the exchange of ideas, information, and commentary relating to AMR and increase the knowledge base of effective and safe medicines to prevent and treat infectious diseases.

Author(s): Larry Madoff
Effective Surveillance  


Unrestricted financial support by:

Antimicrobial Resistance Fighter Coalition

Bangalore Bioinnovation Centre




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