DIAMOND Partnership

1,995.00 / month

Corporate DIAMOND Partnership

€ 1,995 / month (+VAT, reversed charge VAT or not applicable)

Benefits for your organisation: 

  • Fortnightly AMR NEWS
    • 1,000 free of charge subscriptions
    • Logo and URL in each edition AMR NEWS
    • Own text box in each edition AMR NEWS
  • Own dedicated annual newsletter sent to the AMR Insights network
  • Information platform / website AMR Insights
    • Logo, URL and short text on Partner page
    • Logo and URL on all current and newly placed news posts
  • Two fully organised webinars per year
  • Annual AMR Masterclass
    • Free of charge participation for 10 persons
    • Opportunity to present
  • Annual International Matchmaking Symposium ADTCA
    • Free of charge participation for 10 persons
    • Logo, URL and text on the symposium website
    • Opportunity to present
    • Priority Matchmaking
  • Annual International Matchmaking Symposium EADA 
    • Free of charge participation for 10 persons
    • Logo, URL and text on the symposium website
    • Opportunity to present
    • Priority Matchmaking
  • Technology Pages (10 technology pages)

See details of partnership



The DIAMOND Partnership best for Multinationals aiming to emphatically and visibly take the lead in fighting AMR.

The fortnightly E-newsletter AMR NEWS will be sent to the email address you have used to register for the DIAMOND Partnership. You are invited to share the email addresses of 1,000 colleagues and/or business relations. These people will also then receive AMR NEWS at no cost.

Your logo, URL and short description of your organisation will be posted at the AMR Insights Partner page.
Your logo and URL will be placed on all current (4,000+) and newly placed news posts on the AMR Insights website. See this example of a news post.

AMR Insights will organise for you two professional webinars related to AMR per year. The offered contributions include determining topics, soliciting speakers, scheduling the webinar, promoting the webinar in AMR Insights’ global networks, registering participants, broadcasting using MS Teams and further required support.

Events in 2025:
AMR Masterclass: Online International Masterclass on Antimicrobial resistance (2025: 25/26 September)

ADTCA: Online International Matchmaking Symposium ‘Advancing Data Technologies to Corner AMR‘ (2025: 19/20 June)
EADA: International Matchmaking Symposium ‘Emerging Antimicrobials and Diagnostics in AMR‘ (2025: 26/27 November)

You will be informed in a timely manner on all upcoming events.
Although there is no cost for you to participate, registration is required.
Upon request you will receive the coupon code that gives you free access for 10 persons to all three events.
Let us know in a timely manner if and when you would like to present at one or more of the events.
The matchmaking programs are an integral part of the International Matchmaking Symposia ADTCA and EADA.

For the free Technology Pages we refer to the dedicated AMR Insights Technology Directory.
Please let us know if you, as a Diamond Partner, would be interested to have your free Technology Pages.

Additional information

Terms of reference

You pay a fixed amount of € 1,995 per month: this will be debited automatically (incasso).
If desired, you can also receive an annual invoice instead of the monthly fixed payment.

Depending on the country of origin, VAT applies:
– Netherlands: 21% VAT
– EU: reverse charge VAT depending on the country (provide your VAT number)
– Outside the EU: no VAT

The fortnightly newsletter AMR NEWS is sent to the email address you have used to subscribe.
For the 1,000 additional subscriptions please let us know the email addresses.

General terms and conditions

The general terms and conditions of AMR Insights BV (in Dutch only) apply and can be consulted at https://www.amr-insights.eu/general-terms-and-conditions/

Privacy policy

The privacy policy of AMR Insights BV can be consulted at https://www.amr-insights.eu/privacy-policy/


For any disputes you may contact the European Online Dispute Resolution (ODR) platform. The ODR platform deals with consumer disputes arising from e-commerce. AMR Insights is registered at the ODR platform. Further information: ec.europa.eu/consumers/odr


You agree to a Diamond partnership for the period of at least 6 months. After this minimum period you can cancel the partnership on a monthly basis.

After these 6 months you can stop the partnership at any time by completing the online cancellation form:

If and when you have stopped your Diamond partnership you waive all rights to reduced fees for events, free delivery of AMR NEWS and any other benefits. You will receive a confirmation of your cancellation request.

Refunds are not possible.


AMR Insights B.V.
Keizersgracht 482
1017 EG Amsterdam / The Netherlands
T: +31(0)20 214 6068 / +31(0) 65 1558 068

E: Info@AMR-Insights.eu / W: http://www.AMR-Insights.eu
VAT Identification: NL863376472B01
Netherlands Chamber of Commerce and Trade: 84799447


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