AMR NEWS Subscription

60.00 / year

One year subscription to fortnightly E-newsletter on Antimicrobial Resistance (LMIC 80% discount)

Targeted at individuals who want to be fully informed on actual global developments on AMR

Own newsletter by name with selected, up-to-date, information on AMR:

  • News, breakthroughs and global developments
  • Science, innovation, (inter)national policies, society
  • Full One Health perspective
  • Carefully curated, globally sourced, up-to-date
  • Categorized by 6 focal areas
  • Easy click-through to custom summary and to original publication

See here for an example of AMR NEWS

NEW: LMIC only € 12 per year, billed yearly
Ask for the LMIC discount code:

NB: Attractive corporate subscriptions (> 25 emails):

Scroll down for further information

Stay informed, stay connected to AMR!


AMR Insights is an excellent way to keep up to date on AMR developments and acts as a great knowledge sharing platform




Fortnightly E-newsletter with carefully selected, curated global news about antimicrobial resistance (AMR).

The selected news items are all related to AMR and are categorized by all One Health focal areas:

  • Surveillance: Global and regional monitoring of AMR, trends, developments, new policies
  • Patient Health: Emerging patient treatments, tests and therapies related to AMR and infectious diseases
  • Innovation: research and development of novel antimicrobials, phage therapy, diagnostics, e-tools & platform technologies
  • Animal Health: Animal treatments, tests and other AMR news related to husbandry, farm and companion animals
  • AgriFood: AMR in the context of food such as meat, fish and dairy products and feed
  • Environment: AMR in the urban environment, soil, water and the air

The newsletter shows you at a glance the most important new insights and developments in the field of antimicrobial resistance.

The newsletter covers AMR in the One Health perspective: Human & Animal Health, Agrifood and Environment.

Newsletters are sent fortnightly with the exception of 15 July – 15 August; during these weeks the newsletter may be sent at a lower frequency.

The newsletter is a must for anyone who wants stay informed on AMR.


AMR Insights is a fantastic way to keep abreast of the latest scientific developments in the AMR field via the regular newsletter, and stay in touch with the AMR community

Additional information

Terms of Reference

You pay a fixed amount of € 60 per year: this will be debited automatically (incasso)

Depending on the country of origin, VAT applies:
– Netherlands: 21% VAT
– EU: reverse charge VAT depending on the country (provide your VAT number)
– Outside the EU: no VAT

Your subscription starts as soon as the order is placed; you will automatically receive the next, upcoming E-newsletter.

The newsletter is sent to the email address you have used to subscribe. Please note that you are not allowed to forward, share or otherwise distribute your personal AMR NEWS.

General terms and conditions

The general terms and conditions of AMR Insights BV apply and can be consulted at

Privacy policy

The privacy policy of AMR Insights BV can be consulted at


For any disputes you may contact the European Online Dispute Resolution (ODR) platform. The ODR platform deals with consumer disputes arising from e-commerce. AMR Insights is registered at the ODR platform. Further information:


You agree to a subscription for the period of one year. After this year, your subscription automatically continues.

You can stop the subscription at any time by completing the online cancellation form:

If and when you have unsubscribed, you will receive the newsletters until the running, paid period is over and not after that. You will receive a confirmation of your cancellation request.

Refunds are not possible.


AMR Insights B.V.
Keizersgracht 482
1017 EG Amsterdam / The Netherlands
T: +31(0)20 214 6068 / +31(0) 65 1558 068

E: / W:
VAT Identification: NL863376472B01
Netherlands Chamber of Commerce and Trade: 84799447


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