OIE annual report on the use of antimicrobial agents intended for use in animals

  26 February 2020

This fourth OIE annual report on the use of antimicrobial agents intended for use in animals provides the global use of antimicrobial agents adjusted for animal biomass for 2016, and interprets the overall findings of the fourth annual data collection on the use of antimicrobial agents in animals, providing a global and regional analysis. The OIE template used to collect data was designed to allow all countries to participate, regardless of
whether a national data collection system currently exists. In 2018, the fourth round of data collection, completed reports were submitted by 152 Members (152 out of 182; 84%), including data reported by one non-contiguous territory1 of an OIE Member with its own reporting mechanism. One hundred and eighteen reports(118 out of 153; 77%) included quantitative data for one or more years between 2016 to 2018.
In the fourth round of data collection, countries were asked to provide information on the barriers faced in reporting quantities of antimicrobials intended for use in animals. Twenty-nine countries reported primarily a lack of regulatory framework, human resource constraints and lack of information technology (IT) tools to collect the data, perform calculations and analyse the antimicrobial quantities. Ten of these countries (10 out of 29; 34%) confirmed that actions will be undertaken in the near future
to facilitate their reporting of quantities of antimicrobials to the OIE.

Author(s): World Organisation for Animal Health
Healthy Animals  


Unrestricted financial support by:

Antimicrobial Resistance Fighter Coalition

Bangalore Bioinnovation Centre




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