Novel Rapid Test for Detecting Carbapenemase

  26 February 2020

The  fluorescence identification of β-lactamase activity (FIBA) can be performed ≈10 times faster than the most rapid carbapenemase test commercially available while maintaining comparable sensitivity and specificity. Its automated analysis improves turnaround time and reduces operator variability. With a reagent cost/assay of ≈US $1, FIBA is close in price to phenotypic tests but substantially faster and less labor intensive. Furthermore, the FIBA paradigm is extensible; by replacing imipenem with other known subtype-dependent inhibitors of carbapenemase (e.g., clavulanic acid, EDTA), rapid carbapenemase subtyping may also be possible. Our study demonstrates that low-cost, rapid assessment of carbapenemase can be performed in a 1-step format suitable for large-scale epidemiologic studies, thereby providing a new tool for infection outbreak control.

Further reading: CDC
Author(s): Yanfang Feng, Akilan Palanisami, Jerrin Kuriakose, Michael Pigula, Shoaib Ashraf and Tayyaba Hasan
Healthy Animals   Smart Innovations  


Unrestricted financial support by:

Antimicrobial Resistance Fighter Coalition

Bangalore Bioinnovation Centre




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