
Stay on top of antimicrobial resistance with the most current and comprehensive news updates available! Our unique news directory is fully searchable by category and keyword, making it easy to find the latest developments that matter most to you. Each carefully curated article links directly to the original publication, and the most crucial updates are delivered to your inbox every fortnight in our newsletter. Stay informed, stay ahead!

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28 February 2019

Antibiotic Resistances Spread Faster Than So Far Thought

28 February 2019

Zoonoses: antimicrobial resistance shows no signs of slowing down

28 February 2019

Reservoirs of Antimicrobial Resistance

28 February 2019

What Is Antibiotic Stewardship—and How Does It Work?

28 February 2019

Extended-spectrum beta-lactamase production and multi-drug resistance among Enterobacteriaceae isolated in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia

28 February 2019

Pneumococcal serotypes and resistance in Moscow

28 February 2019

Improving global surveillance of antibiotic resistance

28 February 2019

Molecular methods for antimicrobial resistance (AMR) diagnostics to enhance the Global Antimicrobial Resistance Surveillance System

27 February 2019

Antimicrobial resistance shows no signs of slowing down

27 February 2019

Impact of clinical pharmacist intervention on antimicrobial use in a small 164-bed hospital

27 February 2019

Antibiotic Use in Food Animals: Human Health Concerns

27 February 2019

Incidence and antimicrobial susceptibility fingerprints of Plesiomonas shigelliodes isolates in water samples collected from some freshwater resources in Southwest Nigeria

27 February 2019

Fate of tetracycline and sulfonamide resistance genes in a grassland soil amended with different organic fertilizers

27 February 2019

The role of extended-spectrum cephalosporin-resistance in recurrent community-onset Enterobacteriaceae urinary tract infections: a retrospective cohort study

27 February 2019

Decolonization to Reduce Postdischarge Infection Risk among MRSA Carriers

27 February 2019

Study Indicates Triclosan Impairs Response to Antibiotic Treatment

27 February 2019

Cocktail of Common Antibiotics Can Fight Resistant E. coli

27 February 2019

Physicists Pinpoint a Simple Mechanism That Makes Bacteria Resistant to Antibiotics

27 February 2019

Antibiotic treatment duration for bacteremia due to Enterobacteriaceae: A systematic review and meta-analysis

27 February 2019

The European Union summary report on antimicrobial resistance in zoonotic and indicator bacteria from humans, animals and food in 2017

27 February 2019

New publication: DNA traffic in the environment and antimicrobial resistance

27 February 2019

CARB-X expands its global accelerator network to support the development of antibiotics, rapid diagnostics and vaccines to combat drug-resistent superbugs

25 February 2019

Poultry Probiotic To Tackle Global Disease In Anti-Biotic Fight

25 February 2019

EU food alert system exposed to antimicrobial resistant contamination

25 February 2019

Blood culture result profile and antimicrobial resistance pattern: a report from neonatal intensive care unit (NICU), Asella teaching and referral hospital, Asella, south East Ethiopia

25 February 2019

New Report Shows Global Shift in Use of Antibiotics in Animals

25 February 2019

The impact of the national action plan on the epidemiology of antibiotic resistance among 352,238 isolates in a teaching hospital in China from 2015 to 2018

25 February 2019

Urinary Tract Infection Among Leading Causes of Antimicrobial Resistance

23 February 2019

Identification of a novel hybrid plasmid coproducing MCR-1 and MCR-3 variant from an Escherichia coli strain

23 February 2019

Investigators Figure Out How to Block New Antibiotic Resistance Gene

23 February 2019

‘Drugs versus bugs’: an antimicrobial resistance board game

23 February 2019

UK Gonorrhea Guideline Guards Against Antibiotic Resistance

23 February 2019

Nabriva Therapeutics Announces Acceptance of New Drug Applications by the FDA for Intravenous and Oral Lefamulin to Treat Community-Acquired Bacterial Pneumonia in Adults

23 February 2019

Genetic relatedness of ceftriaxone-resistant and high-level azithromycin resistant Neisseria gonorrhoeae cases, United Kingdom and Australia, February to April 2018

23 February 2019

Launching today—CGIAR Antimicrobial Resistance Hub

23 February 2019

Drug-Resistant TB Cured with New Approaches in Conflict-Affected Region

23 February 2019

Scientists Develop a Method to Remove Antibiotic Residue From Waste Water

23 February 2019

Physicists Develop New Method to Identify Antibiotic-Resistant Bacteria

23 February 2019

Scientists Use Machine Learning to Identify Source of Salmonella

23 February 2019

Decolonization Protocol Can Prevent MRSA Infections Among Discharged Hospital Patients

21 February 2019

Changing antibiotic resistance patterns for Staphylococcus aureus surgical site infections

21 February 2019

Bridging antimicrobial resistance knowledge gaps: The East African perspective on a global problem

20 February 2019

Reservoirs of Antimicrobial Resistance

20 February 2019

New platform for setting the African research agenda

20 February 2019

Rethinking Antimicrobial Resistance Surveillance: A Role for Lot Quality Assurance Sampling

19 February 2019

QIAGEN partners with Ares Genetics to advance global fight against antibiotic-resistant pathogens

19 February 2019

The Quest for Novel Antimicrobial Compounds: Emerging Trends in Research, Development, and Technologies

19 February 2019

Advocacy for the Antimicrobial Resistance (AMR) curricula among

19 February 2019

Persistence of antibiotic resistance genes in beef cattle backgrounding environment over two years after cessation of operation

19 February 2019

High level of multidrug-resistant Escherichia coli in young dairy calves in southern Vietnam

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