Stay on top of antimicrobial resistance with the most current and comprehensive news updates available! Our unique news directory is fully searchable by category and keyword, making it easy to find the latest developments that matter most to you. Each carefully curated article links directly to the original publication, and the most crucial updates are delivered to your inbox every fortnight in our newsletter. Stay informed, stay ahead!
27 April 2019

Superbugs linked to eight out of 10 deaths in Bangladeshi ICUs
27 April 2019

Report Confirms Serious Threat of Antibiotic Resistance Worldwide
27 April 2019

German poultry probe: Cheap chicken rife with antibiotic-resistant superbugs, Germanwatch investigation reveals
23 April 2019

Drug-resistant fungi are a threat to modern medicine
23 April 2019

New metric aims to simplify how global resistance is measured
23 April 2019

Global consumption of antibiotics skyrockets
23 April 2019

The impact of antibiotic resistant infections in Europe
23 April 2019

Antibiotic resistance gene transmitted between pets at a UK animal hospital
23 April 2019

Genomic Features, Comparative Genomic Analysis, and Antimicrobial Susceptibility Patterns of Chryseobacterium arthrosphaerae Strain ED882-96 Isolated in Taiwan
23 April 2019

Expert: We took antibiotics for granted
23 April 2019

Molecular detection of extended-spectrum β-lactamase-producing Klebsiella pneumoniae isolates of chicken origin from East Java, Indonesia
23 April 2019

Why We Must Finish Our Antibiotics
23 April 2019

Call for papers: Integrative approaches to antimicrobial resistance
20 April 2019

Detection of colistin resistance mcr-1 gene in Salmonella enterica serovar Rissen isolated from mussels, Spain, 2012 to 2016
18 April 2019

MSU scientists team up to study bovine microbiome role in antibiotic resistant bacteria
18 April 2019

Chennai team develops device to test antibiotic resistance in just 6 hours
18 April 2019

Choosing Wisely: Antibiotic Use in Ophthalmic Surgery
18 April 2019

A One Health genomic approach to antimicrobial resistance is essential for generating relevant data for a holistic assessment of the biggest threat to public health
18 April 2019

Meta-transcriptomics reveals a diverse antibiotic resistance gene pool in avian microbiomes
18 April 2019

Antimicrobial use in UK long-term care facilities: results of a point prevalence survey
17 April 2019

Knowledge Gaps on Antibiotic Resistance Remain Among Health Care Workers in the EU
17 April 2019

Tracking global trends in the effectiveness of antibiotic therapy using the Drug Resistance Index
17 April 2019

Antimicrobial resistance in Portuguese broiler-breeder flocks between 2009 and 2018
17 April 2019

Specialist Enzymes Make E. coli Antibiotic Resistant at Low pH
17 April 2019

Scientists Test How Well Water Disinfectants Damage Antibiotic Resistance Genes
17 April 2019

Staying in a hotel during travel to tropical regions is associated with contracting drug-resistant bacteria.
17 April 2019

The association between adherence to national antibiotic guidelines and mortality, readmission and length of stay in hospital inpatients: results from a Norwegian multicentre, observational cohort study
16 April 2019

Mathematical Modelling to Study the Horizontal Transfer of Antimicrobial Resistance Genes in Bacteria: Current State of the Field and Recommendations
16 April 2019

Department of Health allocates €7 million for antimicrobial resistance and infection prevention & control
16 April 2019

Time-resolved spread of antibiotic resistance genes in highly polluted air.
16 April 2019

Implementation of antibiotic stewardship programmes in French ICUs in 2018: a nationwide cross-sectional survey
16 April 2019

Access Barriers to Antibiotics
16 April 2019

The ARLG and COMBACTE will work together on a number of initiatives designed to fight drug-resistant infections
16 April 2019

Multidrug-resistant Organisms in Hospitals: What Is on Patient Hands and in Their Rooms?
16 April 2019

Petting zoos could potentially transmit highly virulent drug-resistant bacteria to visitors
15 April 2019

Ecological Study Identifies Potential Association Between Antimicrobial Resistance And Climate Change
13 April 2019

Throat lozenges could be contributing to antimicrobial resistance
12 April 2019

Lack of access to antibiotics is a major global health challenge
12 April 2019

Water and wastewater disinfection can help prevent the spread of antibiotic resistant bacteria, but what about their genes?
12 April 2019

Battling antibiotic resistance on Madhya Pradesh’s agenda
12 April 2019

Environmental aspects of antibiotic resistance
12 April 2019

The silent killer: Superbugs on the march in the Middle East
12 April 2019

Antibiotic misuse: How to evaluate the costs?
12 April 2019

Strategies for sustainable use of antibiotic
12 April 2019

Announcing the Mapping Antimicrobial Resistance and Antimicrobial Use Partnership (MAAP) project
12 April 2019

International Network for AMR Social Science
11 April 2019

Antimicrobial use and AMR indicators integration of farm-level surveillance data from broiler chickens and turkeys in British Columbia, Canada
11 April 2019

Meta-transcriptomics reveals a diverse antibiotic resistance gene pool in avian microbiomes
11 April 2019

On the threshold of controlling AMR
11 April 2019

GARDP announces partnership with Calibr, HZI/HIPS and the University of Queensland in search for new antibiotics
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