
Stay on top of antimicrobial resistance with the most current and comprehensive news updates available! Our unique news directory is fully searchable by category and keyword, making it easy to find the latest developments that matter most to you. Each carefully curated article links directly to the original publication, and the most crucial updates are delivered to your inbox every fortnight in our newsletter. Stay informed, stay ahead!

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7 September 2019

C. difficile Canine Scent Detection at Vancouver Coastal Health

6 September 2019

Resistance can spread even without the use of antibiotics

6 September 2019

Research paves way for tackling AMR in poultry

6 September 2019

One Health: antibiotic resistance is a crisis that needs action now

6 September 2019

Translating antibiotic prescribing into antibiotic resistance in the environment: A hazard characterisation case study

6 September 2019

Using Genomics to Track Global Antimicrobial Resistance

6 September 2019

The NHS leads the way with world’s first drug ‘subscription’ scheme to tackle global antimicrobial resistance crisis

6 September 2019

Lawsuit Challenges Trump Administration’s Refusal to Release Public Documents on Expanded Use of Antibiotics As Pesticides

6 September 2019

Public Consultation on the Global AMR R&D Hub’s Draft Collaboration Framework

6 September 2019

Attitudes and perceptions of Dutch companion animal veterinarians towards antimicrobial use and antimicrobial resistance

6 September 2019

Antibiotics Currently in Global Clinical Development

6 September 2019

Superbugs Deadlier Than Cancer Put Chemotherapy Into Question

6 September 2019

Global partnership to fight antimicrobial resistance

4 September 2019

Ten-year narrative review on antimicrobial resistance in Singapore

3 September 2019

Are nursing infusion practices delivering full-dose antimicrobial treatment?

3 September 2019

How bacteria behind hospital infections block out antibiotics

2 September 2019

Major subpopulations of Plasmodium falciparum in sub-Saharan Africa

2 September 2019

The Spectre of Superbugs: Waste, Structural Violence and Antimicrobial Resistance in India

2 September 2019

Global prevalence of antibiotic resistance in blood-isolated Enterococcus faecalis and Enterococcus faecium: a systematic review and meta-analysis

2 September 2019

Biotechs fight fears of ‘antibiotic apocalypse’

1 September 2019

Clinical Resistome Screening of 1,110 Escherichia coli Isolates Efficiently Recovers Diagnostically Relevant Antibiotic Resistance Biomarkers and Potential Novel Resistance Mechanisms

1 September 2019

BIO campaign gathers pharma partners to lobby Congress against superbugs

1 September 2019

The rise in vancomycin-resistant Enterococcus faecium in Germany: data from the German Antimicrobial Resistance Surveillance (ARS)

30 August 2019

The proposed Drug Resistance Index (DRI) is not a good measure of antibiotic effectiveness in relation to drug resistance

30 August 2019

Critical role of pharmacies in rapidly growing antimicrobial resistance

30 August 2019

Defining and combating antibiotic resistance from One Health and Global Health perspectives

30 August 2019

Ayushman India: battling superbugs will give the nation independence from a potential health epidemic

30 August 2019

Moving Away from Antibiotics in Animal Agriculture

30 August 2019

A Global Partnership to Combat Antimicrobial Resistance

30 August 2019

Outbreak of Salmonella Newport Infections with Decreased Susceptibility to Azithromycin Linked to Beef Obtained in the United States and Soft Cheese Obtained in Mexico — United States, 2018–2019

30 August 2019

New artificial cell can engulf live bacteria via endocytosis

30 August 2019

Food Systems Feeding the Next Superbug?

30 August 2019

Z/I1 Hybrid Virulence Plasmids Carrying Antimicrobial Resistance genes in S. Typhimurium from Australian Food Animal Production

30 August 2019

AMR-specific indicator proposed for monitoring Sustainable Development Goals

30 August 2019

Diagnostics: Species identification

28 August 2019

Trends in antimicrobial resistance of bacterial pathogens in Harare, Zimbabwe, 2012–2017: a secondary dataset analysis

28 August 2019

Use a condom: gonorrhoea on the rise in Australia

28 August 2019

Reducing Emissions from Antibiotics Production (REAP)

27 August 2019

Faecal microbiota transplantation for eradicating carriage of multidrug-resistant organisms: a systematic review

27 August 2019

Spraying Antibiotics to Fight Citrus Scourge Doesn’t Help, Study Finds

27 August 2019

Treatment for extreme drug-resistant tuberculosis wins US government approval

27 August 2019

Trends in resistant Enterobacteriaceae and Acinetobacter species in hospitalized patients in the United States: 2013–2017

27 August 2019

Antimicrobial resistance focus at Broiler Feed QC

27 August 2019

Fraunhofer and grit42 join forces in the global fight against antimicrobial resistance

25 July 2019

First three Escherichia coli isolates harboring mcr-1 in Uruguay

23 July 2019

Understanding Antimicrobial Resistance (AMR) Profiles of Salmonella Biofilm and Planktonic Bacteria Challenged with Disinfectants Commonly Used During Poultry Processing

23 July 2019

Use of Antibiotics Without a Prescription in the U.S. Population: A Scoping Review

23 July 2019

Resistant malaria spreading in South East Asia

22 July 2019

Resistance to critically important antimicrobials in Australian silver gulls (Chroicocephalus novaehollandiae) and evidence of anthropogenic origins

22 July 2019

Novel antibiotics effective against gram-positive and -negative multi-resistant bacteria with limited resistance

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