
Stay on top of antimicrobial resistance with the most current and comprehensive news updates available! Our unique news directory is fully searchable by category and keyword, making it easy to find the latest developments that matter most to you. Each carefully curated article links directly to the original publication, and the most crucial updates are delivered to your inbox every fortnight in our newsletter. Stay informed, stay ahead!

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24 September 2019

Projected Changes in Antimicrobial Consumption by Livestock in 2030

24 September 2019

Hospitals on alert after superbug outbreak in Tuscany

24 September 2019

Aetiology of invasive bacterial infection and antimicrobial resistance in neonates in sub-Saharan Africa: a systematic review and meta-analysis in line with the STROBE-NI reporting guidelines

24 September 2019

United States Gathers 350 Commitments to Combat Antibiotic Resistance, Action Must Continue

23 September 2019

Universal health coverage: an opportunity to address antimicrobial resistance?

23 September 2019

Researchers Use ‘Trojan Horse’ to Kill Deadly Antibiotic-Resistant Bacteria

23 September 2019

Antimicrobial Resistance In Animals Is Getting Worse in Developing Countries

23 September 2019

Metapopulation ecology links antibiotic resistance, consumption and patient transfers in a network of hospital wards

23 September 2019

Global trends in antimicrobial resistance in animals in low- and middle-income countries

23 September 2019

Ten-year narrative review on antimicrobial resistance in Singapore

23 September 2019

Surveillance and monitoring of antimicrobial resistance: limitations and lessons from the GRAM project

20 September 2019

Global Trends in Antimicrobial Resistance in Animals in Low- and Middle-Income Countries

20 September 2019

Increasing global antibiotic resistance in food animals requires immediate action

20 September 2019

India among hotspots of antibiotic resistance in animals: Study

20 September 2019

Study on livestock: India hub of antimicrobial resistance

20 September 2019

UK partners with Pakistan to tackle the threat of antibiotic resistance

20 September 2019

Product-design students’ device aims to reduce AMR in humans

20 September 2019

An African Salmonella Typhimurium ST313 sublineage with extensive drug-resistance and signatures of host adaptation

20 September 2019

Food Service Pork Chops from Three U.S. Regions Harbor Similar Levels of Antimicrobial Resistance Regardless of Antibiotic Use Claims

19 September 2019

Genetically Engineered Plasmid Can Be Used to Fight Antimicrobial Resistance

18 September 2019

‘Nanoweapon’ may overcome AMR

18 September 2019

Scientists develop molecule that attacks natural defences of superbugs

18 September 2019

New ReAct policy brief: Antimicrobial resistance and universal health coverage – What’s the deal?

18 September 2019

CARB-X funds Procarta Biosystems to develop oligonucleotide-based antibiotics to combat life-threatening Gram-negative pathogens

17 September 2019

National Institute of Cholera and Enteric Diseases: Hub of bacteria research

17 September 2019

New biotechnology coalition seeks to boost antibiotics development

16 September 2019

Comparison of different approaches to antibiotic restriction in food-producing animals: stratified results from a systematic review and meta-analysis

16 September 2019

Antibiotic resistance rising among dolphins, study reveals

16 September 2019

19 New Superbugs Threatens Antibiotic Safety Net

16 September 2019

Food Systems Feeding the Next Superbug?

14 September 2019

The evolution of antibiotic resistance

14 September 2019

One Health: antibiotic resistance is a crisis that needs action now

14 September 2019

Using Genomics to Track Global Antimicrobial Resistance

14 September 2019

India joins the Global AMR R&D Hub

14 September 2019

BPC Antibiotics Report 2019

14 September 2019

Aetiology of invasive bacterial infection and antimicrobial resistance in neonates in sub-Saharan Africa: a systematic review and meta-analysis in line with the STROBE-NI reporting guidelines

14 September 2019

Setting up econometric ARIMA methodology to elucidate European Union nosocomial antimicrobial resistance rate trend evolution based on largest EU database

13 September 2019

Population-level surveillance of antibiotic resistance in Escherichia coli through sewage analysis

12 September 2019

Changing epidemiology and antimicrobial resistance in Vibrio cholerae: AMR surveillance findings (2006–2016) from Nepal

12 September 2019

Persistent metagenomic signatures of early-life hospitalization and antibiotic treatment in the infant gut microbiota and resistome

11 September 2019

Scientists establish new way to test for drug resistant infections

11 September 2019

Type of bacterial isolates and antimicrobial resistance profile from different clinical samples at a Referral Hospital, Northwest Ethiopia: five years data analysis

10 September 2019

The glocalization of antimicrobial stewardship

10 September 2019

Current status of antimicrobial stewardship programmes in Korean hospitals: results of a 2018 nationwide survey

9 September 2019

Antimicrobial resistance from a one health perspective in Cameroon: a systematic review and meta-analysis

9 September 2019

Salmonella persisters promote the spread of antibiotic resistance plasmids in the gut

9 September 2019

Research Paves Way For Tackling AMR In Poultry

9 September 2019

A State-of-Art Review on Multi-Drug Resistant Pathogens in Foods of Animal Origin: Risk Factors and Mitigation Strategies

7 September 2019

Gross national income and antibiotic resistance in invasive isolates: analysis of the top-ranked antibiotic-resistant bacteria on the 2017 WHO priority list

7 September 2019

Impact of national interventions to promote responsible antibiotic use: a systematic review

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