
Stay on top of antimicrobial resistance with the most current and comprehensive news updates available! Our unique news directory is fully searchable by category and keyword, making it easy to find the latest developments that matter most to you. Each carefully curated article links directly to the original publication, and the most crucial updates are delivered to your inbox every fortnight in our newsletter. Stay informed, stay ahead!

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23 January 2020

Distribution of Antimicrobial Resistance Genes across Salmonella enterica Isolates from Animal and Nonanimal Foods

23 January 2020

Next important phase in infectious diseases research in Liverpool launched

23 January 2020

Only a few drugmakers even try to fight superbugs — a growing threat

22 January 2020

Tests Achieve 100% Concordance on Superbugs

22 January 2020

Antibiotic resistance: Nigeria stares at a major catastrophe

22 January 2020

Antibiotic resistance: How to tackle AMR in Africa

22 January 2020

Antibiotic resistance: AMR among poultry, cattle a worry for Kenya

22 January 2020

Can evidence-based decision support tools transform antibiotic management? A systematic review and meta-analyses

22 January 2020

Imperial team win €22.5m EU funding to develop rapid test for serious illnesses

21 January 2020

Diagnosis, Treatment, and Prevention of Urinary Tract Infections in Post-Acute and Long-Term Care Settings: A Consensus Statement From AMDA’s Infection Advisory Subcommittee

21 January 2020

Communicating the Science of Responsible Antibiotic Use in Animals: White paper

21 January 2020

Signs of progress against the superbugs, but not yet at the scale needed

21 January 2020

Novel Subclone of Carbapenem-Resistant Klebsiella pneumoniae Sequence Type 11 with Enhanced Virulence and Transmissibility, China

21 January 2020

Antibiotic use among hospitalized adult patients in a setting with limited laboratory infrastructure in Freetown Sierra Leone, 2017-2018.

21 January 2020

Tackling Antimicrobial Resistance Through Comic Books

20 January 2020

Antibiotic resistance in fish farming ennvironments: a global concern

19 January 2020

The AMR crisis is solvable — but we must act together and fast

18 January 2020

Surveys of knowledge and awareness of antibiotic use and antimicrobial resistance in general population: A systematic review

18 January 2020

Lack of new antibiotics threatens global efforts to contain drug-resistant infections

18 January 2020

Tackling AMR in aquaculture

18 January 2020

Fight against antibiotic crisis stymied by lack of R&D spend

17 January 2020

A faster way to determine antimicrobial susceptibility

17 January 2020

Probiotic Drink that Tackles Antibiotic Resistance Ousts Plasmids from Gut Bacteria

17 January 2020

Veterinary drug use in United States net pen Salmon aquaculture: Implications for drug use policy

17 January 2020

Exchanging experiences of antibiotic-resistant infection control in Nordic and Russian hospitals

17 January 2020

Community Engagement for Antimicrobial Resistance launch their website!

17 January 2020

Efficacy and Safety of a Comprehensive Educational Antimicrobial Stewardship Program Focused on Antifungal Use

16 January 2020

Research: new breakthrough in battling resistance to antibiotics

16 January 2020

Antibacterial agents agent in preclinical development

16 January 2020

AMR life science industry 2020 report: Successes and setbacks in fighting superbugs

16 January 2020

Wockhardt share price gains 14% on DCGI approval for 2 new antibiotics

16 January 2020

Drug resistance is “up there with climate change” as a global threat

16 January 2020

We must be smarter about how we use antibiotics, says Imperial researcher

16 January 2020

Stop escalating antibiotic resistance or perish

16 January 2020

An estimation of total antimicrobial usage in humans and animals in Vietnam

16 January 2020

Widespread illegal sales of antibiotics in Chinese pharmacies – a nationwide cross-sectional study

15 January 2020

Inhibiting bacterial cooperation is an evolutionarily robust anti-biofilm strategy

15 January 2020

New strategy in the fight against antibiotic resistance

15 January 2020

Effect of tolerance on the evolution of antibiotic resistance under drug combinations

15 January 2020

Filling the gaps in global antimicrobial resistance research/surveillance

15 January 2020

AMR, flu pandemic again top WHO’s list of top health challenges for 2020

15 January 2020

Learning about antimicrobial stewardship should be top of your to-do list in 2020

14 January 2020

Antimicrobial resistance in Mycoplasma genitalium sampled from the British general population

14 January 2020

VAMPr: VAriant Mapping and Prediction of antibiotic resistance via explainable features and machine learning

14 January 2020

The Effect of Infectious Diseases Consultation on Mortality in Hospitalized Patients With MRSA, Candida, and Pseudomonas Bloodstream Infections

14 January 2020

CARB-X funds Trellis Bioscience to support the development of a monoclonal antibody designed to disrupt superbugs’ protective coating so that antibiotics can kill them

13 January 2020

Antibiotic tolerance reduces the ability to prevent resistance under drug combination therapies

13 January 2020

Our time with antibiotics may be running out

13 January 2020


13 January 2020

Businesses like Westfield Farms have role to play in fighting antimicrobial resistance

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