
Stay on top of antimicrobial resistance with the most current and comprehensive news updates available! Our unique news directory is fully searchable by category and keyword, making it easy to find the latest developments that matter most to you. Each carefully curated article links directly to the original publication, and the most crucial updates are delivered to your inbox every fortnight in our newsletter. Stay informed, stay ahead!

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23 March 2020

CDC Ranks Two More Drug-Resistant Microbes as ‘Urgent Threat’ to Americans; Clinical Laboratories Are Advised to Increase Awareness of Antimicrobial Resistance

23 March 2020

Case-based surveillance of antimicrobial resistance in the ACORN (A Clinically Oriented Antimicrobial Resistance Surveillance Network) study

23 March 2020

Study reveals how antibiotic resistance evolves and spreads in ‘top priority’ superbug

23 March 2020

Evaluating integrated surveillance of antimicrobial resistance: experiences from use of three evaluation tools

21 March 2020

Views of health care professionals and policy-makers on the use of surveillance data to combat antimicrobial resistance

21 March 2020

Carbapenem-resistant Enterobacteriaceae in patients with bacteraemia at tertiary hospitals in South Africa, 2015 to 2018

21 March 2020

The Untimely Reporting of Drug-Resistant Outbreaks in the United States

21 March 2020

Importation of extensively drug resistant (XDR) Salmonella Typhi cases in Ontario, Canada

21 March 2020

How could smart surfaces help tackle infection and antimicrobial resistance?

21 March 2020

What’s Needed in Second National Action Plan for Combating Superbugs

21 March 2020

Oncologists Fear Rising Antibiotic Resistance Will Make Cancer Treatments Less Effective

21 March 2020

Scientists describe promising rapid tests for antibiotic susceptibility

21 March 2020

Zinc can counteract selection for ciprofloxacin resistance

20 March 2020

See and Sequence: Integrating Whole-Genome Sequencing Within the National Antimicrobial Resistance Surveillance Program in the Philippines

20 March 2020

AMR Centre teams up to tackle gonorrhoea

20 March 2020

Moving towards a multisectoral approach to tackling antimicrobial resistance

19 March 2020

Antimicrobial resistance prevalence in commensal Escherichia coli from broilers, fattening turkeys, fattening pigs and veal calves in European countries and association with antimicrobial usage at country level

19 March 2020

IDSA Garners Support for Increased Federal AMR Funding

18 March 2020

Quality microbiological diagnostics and antimicrobial susceptibility testing, an essential component of antimicrobial resistance surveillance and control efforts in Pacific island nations

18 March 2020

AMR Social Science launched to provide solutions to antimicrobial resistance

18 March 2020

Bacteriophage-Antibiotic Combinations: A Promising Alternative for Refractory Infections?

18 March 2020

Measuring antibiotic availability and use in 20 low- and middle-income countries

18 March 2020

DTU helps boost resistance surveillance in Africa and Asia

18 March 2020

Time to hold pharmaceutical polluters to account

18 March 2020

Antibiotic treatments during infancy, changes in nasal microbiota, and asthma development: Population-based cohort study

18 March 2020

Australia’s National Antimicrobial Resistance Strategy – 2020 and Beyond

18 March 2020

CARB-X funds Microbiotix to develop a novel oral antibiotic to treat multidrug resistant Gonorrhea

16 March 2020

Shortages and AMR – why should we care? 4 consequences of antibiotic shortages

16 March 2020

New fact sheet: Effective antibiotics – essential for childrens’ survival

16 March 2020

Bacteria found on ocean plastics is ‘antibiotic-resistant’, say scientists

16 March 2020

Resistance of Gram-Negative Bacteria to Current Antibacterial Agents and Approaches to Resolve It

16 March 2020

Antimicrobial Resistance in Chicken Across Low- and Middle-Income Countries

16 March 2020

Treatment of Highly Drug-Resistant Pulmonary Tuberculosis

16 March 2020

Considerable variability in antibiotic use among US children’s hospitals in 2017–2018

13 March 2020

Antimicrobial Resistance in Veterinary Medicine: An Overview

13 March 2020

Limiting antibiotic manufacturing discharge in Indian wastewater

13 March 2020

GARDP partners with Japanese pharmaceutical in pursuit of new antibiotics

11 March 2020

Raising awareness of antimicrobial resistance among the general public in the UK: the role of public engagement activities

11 March 2020

EU report on antimicrobial resistance in zoonotic and indicator bacteria from human, animals and food

7 March 2020

A joint effort to confront the challenges of rising antimicrobial resistance in Asia

6 March 2020

AMR Social Science launched to provide solutions to antimicrobial resistance

6 March 2020

Antimicrobial use and resistance in food-producing animals and the environment: an African perspective

6 March 2020

Treatment of Highly Drug-Resistant Pulmonary Tuberculosis

5 March 2020

The European Union Summary Report on Antimicrobial Resistance in zoonotic and indicator bacteria from humans, animals and food in 2017/2018

4 March 2020

International research partnership and EDCTP to invest €44m in next-generation antimalarials to combat drug-resistant malaria in Africa

3 March 2020

Abnormal bacterial cell growth associated with antimicrobial resistance

3 March 2020

Antimicrobial use and resistance in food-producing animals and the environment: an African perspective

3 March 2020

Countries continue supporting the monitoring of antimicrobial use in the animal sector

1 March 2020

Abnormal growth of bacterial cells could be linked to anti-microbial resistance

29 February 2020

Antimicrobial resistance in aquaculture: a crisis for concern

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