
Stay on top of antimicrobial resistance with the most current and comprehensive news updates available! Our unique news directory is fully searchable by category and keyword, making it easy to find the latest developments that matter most to you. Each carefully curated article links directly to the original publication, and the most crucial updates are delivered to your inbox every fortnight in our newsletter. Stay informed, stay ahead!

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29 May 2020

Increasing Globalization and the Movement of Antimicrobial Resistance between Countries

29 May 2020

Urban informal settlements as hotspots of antimicrobial resistance and the need to curb environmental transmission

29 May 2020

FDA to Update Medically Important Animal Antibiotics List

29 May 2020

National Trends in Antibiotic Use in Australian Residential Aged Care Facilities, 2005–2016

29 May 2020


28 May 2020

Prevalence and distribution of antimicrobial resistance determinants of Escherichia coli isolates obtained from meat in South Africa

28 May 2020

New York State dairy farmers’ perceptions of antibiotic use and resistance: A qualitative interview study

28 May 2020

US livestock receive more than five times as many antibiotics as British livestock

28 May 2020

Effect of postoperative continuation of antibiotic prophylaxis on the incidence of surgical site infection: a systematic review and meta-analysis

27 May 2020

Extended-spectrum ß-lactamase-producing Escherichia coli among humans, chickens and poultry environments in Abuja, Nigeria

27 May 2020

Antimicrobial Resistance in Humans and Animals: Rapid Review of Psychological and Behavioral Determinants

27 May 2020

Antibiotic use and deprivation: an analysis of Welsh primary care antibiotic prescribing data by socioeconomic status

27 May 2020

Community antibiotic prescribing for children in France from 2015 to 2017: a cross-sectional national study

27 May 2020

Antibiotic use rising for sick kids in low-resource nations

26 May 2020

AMR: The health crisis waiting to happen

25 May 2020

Trends, seasonality and the association between outpatient antibiotic use and antimicrobial resistance among urinary bacteria in the Netherlands

25 May 2020

University students’ antibiotic use and knowledge of antimicrobial resistance: what are the common myths?

25 May 2020

COVID-19 Superinfections and Antimicrobial Resistance

25 May 2020

Advisory Group for the Independent Panel on Evidence for Action Against Antimicrobial Resistance

23 May 2020

A national survey of public awareness of antimicrobial resistance in Nigeria

22 May 2020

Fight AMR by taking antibiotics off our plates

22 May 2020

China’s Farms Are Petri Dishes of Antibiotic Resistance

22 May 2020

Handbook of Antimicrobial Stewardship in Companion Animal Veterinary Settings

22 May 2020

Ban use of TB drug on crops: Central panel

22 May 2020

The impact of rapid diagnostic testing, surveillance software, and clinical pharmacist staffing at a large Community Hospital in the Management of gram-negative bloodstream infections

22 May 2020

Public discussion – Draft terms of reference of the Independent Panel on Evidence for Action Against Antimicrobial Resistance

22 May 2020

Rapid diagnostic tests for common infection syndromes: less haste, more speed

22 May 2020

European Commission aims to cut farm, fishery antibiotic use

22 May 2020

Decreased Outpatient Fluoroquinolone Prescribing Using A Multimodal Antimicrobial Stewardship Initiative

21 May 2020

Study finds some reductions in community antibiotic resistant infections and dispensing

21 May 2020

Communication training and the prescribing pattern of antibiotic prescription in primary health care

21 May 2020

Significant Regional Differences in Antibiotic Use Across 576 U.S. Hospitals and 11,701,326 Million Adult Admissions, 2016 – 2017

19 May 2020

Feature How covid-19 is accelerating the threat of antimicrobial resistance

19 May 2020

Successful improvement of antibiotic prescribing at Primary Care in Andalusia following the implementation of an antimicrobial guide through multifaceted interventions: An interrupted time-series analysis

19 May 2020


18 May 2020

Bacterial and fungal co-infection in individuals with coronavirus: A rapid review to support COVID-19 antimicrobial prescribing

18 May 2020

Why a UK clinical trial could lead the way for antimicrobial resistance efforts

18 May 2020

Insights from Auckland sewers could help fight superbugs

18 May 2020

The Novel Coronavirus COVID-19 Outbreak: Global Implications for Antimicrobial Resistance

18 May 2020

Community knowledge about antibiotics key to fighting against ‘superbug’ threat

18 May 2020

Antibiotic Resistance in Relation to E. coli Infection in Broiler Chickens

15 May 2020

The effects of gamification on antimicrobial resistance knowledge and its relationship to dentistry in Saudi Arabia: a randomized controlled trial

15 May 2020

Why Antibiotic Resistance Is More Worrisome Than Ever

13 May 2020

The Novel Coronavirus COVID-19 Outbreak: Global Implications for Antimicrobial Resistance

13 May 2020

Survival of staphylococci and transmissibility of their antimicrobial resistance genes in milk after heat treatments

13 May 2020

How AI Could Revolutionise The Fight Against Antimicrobial Resistance

12 May 2020

Bioactive Phytocompounds to Fight Against Antimicrobial Resistance

11 May 2020

Antimicrobial Resistance Profiles for Different Isolates in Aden, Yemen: A Cross-Sectional Study in a Resource-Poor Setting.

11 May 2020

Hygiene reduces the need for antibiotics by up to 30%

11 May 2020

What If We Could Fight Antibiotic Resistance With Probiotics?

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