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23 January 2021

AVF’s interactive radio shows to gather citizens’ insights on antimicrobial resistance in Bungoma, Kilifi and Kiambu Counties
23 January 2021

Socioeconomic factors associated with antimicrobial resistance in Latin America: A systematic review and empirical analysis of 41 Chilean hospitals
23 January 2021

Addressing antimicrobial resistance in China: progress and challenges in translating political commitment into national action
23 January 2021

Antibiotic resistance: a call to action to prevent the next epidemic of inequality
23 January 2021

Antimicrobial resistance control efforts in Africa: a survey of the role of Civil Society Organisations
23 January 2021

Fish farms in Andhra Pradesh are laden with antibiotics, insecticides and heavy metals, finds FIAPO latest investigation report
23 January 2021

A healthcare worker and patient-informed approach to oral antibiotic decision making during the hospital-to-home transition
22 January 2021

Bacteriophage Therapy Market Update 2021
22 January 2021

Phage therapy offers hope in fight against antibiotic resistance and superbugs
22 January 2021

Irish soil can offer more hope in fight against antibiotic resistance, researchers show
22 January 2021

The silent pandemic of antibiotic resistance
22 January 2021

Antibiotic resistance: how to tackle a public health crisis
22 January 2021

High global consumption of potentially inappropriate fixed dose combination antibiotics: Analysis of data from 75 countries
22 January 2021

Letter: A better way to spend Ineos’ Oxford gift
22 January 2021

Fast-tracking the use of copper in the NHS to tackle AMR
22 January 2021

New project to tackle Bovine Mastitis and reduce Antimicrobial Resistance (AMR)
21 January 2021

Antimicrobial Resistant Genes in Fermented Food Products
21 January 2021

Antimicrobial resistance clusters in commensal Escherichia coli from livestock
21 January 2021

Antimicrobial Resistance in the Context of the Sustainable Development Goals: A Brief Review
20 January 2021

Impact of antimicrobial stewardship and monitoring of infection control bundle in a surgical Intensive Care Unit of a tertiary care hospital in India
19 January 2021

Ineos gives Oxford £100m to set up antibiotic research institute
18 January 2021

Taiwan develops microfluidic platform for rapid screening of diseases
18 January 2021

Research uncovers strategy to revert antibiotic-resistance in dangerous superbugs
18 January 2021

Evaluation of an OPEN Stewardship generated feedback intervention to improve antibiotic prescribing among primary care veterinarians
18 January 2021

A framework for identifying the recent origins of mobile antibiotic resistance genes
18 January 2021

Community pharmacy and diagnostics firm team up to combat antibiotic resistance
18 January 2021

Why resistance is common in antibiotics, but rare in vaccines
18 January 2021

Researchers find new insights on development of antibiotic resistance
18 January 2021

A two-pronged attack on antibiotic-resistant microbes
18 January 2021

Travel-Related Antimicrobial Resistance: A Systematic Review
18 January 2021

Antibiotic prescribing in inpatient and outpatient settings in Iran: a systematic review and meta-analysis study
18 January 2021

Non-prescription dispensing of antibiotic agents among community drug retail outlets in Sub-Saharan African countries: a systematic review and meta-analysis
15 January 2021

Antibiotic prescribing in patients with COVID-19: rapid review and meta-analysis
15 January 2021

4 Key Priorities for Fighting Superbugs in 2021
15 January 2021

A multicentre point prevalence survey (PPS) of antimicrobial use amongst admitted patients in tertiary care centres in India
15 January 2021

New study maps progress of UK-Africa collaboration in tackling antimicrobial resistance in Kenya, Uganda and Tanzania
15 January 2021

Antibiotic Resistance Could Cause the Next Pandemic. Here’s How the Biden Administration Can Tackle It
14 January 2021

The European Union promotes Happy Patient to investigate patient-doctor strategies to reduce inappropriate antibiotic consumption
14 January 2021

Insects, Rodents, and Pets as Reservoirs, Vectors, and Sentinels of Antimicrobial Resistance
14 January 2021

The interrelationships between antimicrobial resistance, COVID-19, past, and future pandemics
14 January 2021

Monash University leads breakthrough against antibiotic-resistance
13 January 2021

The poultry waste dumpsites of Idi Ayunre and environs: Reservoirs and distributors of disease-causing antibiotic resistant pathogens
13 January 2021

Michael T. Osterholm: the future of ADVOCACY on AMR
13 January 2021

AMR Voices Series: Amplifying the patient voice
12 January 2021

Epidemiology of Invasive Escherichia coli Infection and Antibiotic Resistance Status among Patients Treated in U.S. Hospitals: 2009–2016
11 January 2021

Korea is committed partner in campaign against drug-resistant infections
11 January 2021

Assessing Upstream Determinants of Antibiotic Use in Small-Scale Food Animal Production through a Simulated Client Method
11 January 2021

Economic and Behavioral Influencers of Vaccination and Antimicrobial Use
11 January 2021

Learning from IPC strategies for COVID-19 to mitigate AMR in rural Nigerian communities
11 January 2021

Understanding Antimicrobial Resistance in Aquaculture
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