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21 November 2018

Scouting out bacterial defences to find new ways to counter-attack antibiotic resistance

21 November 2018

Swiss researchers report 7,000 AMR cases, almost 300 AMR deaths a year

21 November 2018

Nations vary widely in antibiotic use, WHO data show

21 November 2018

Levels of AMR E. coli in UK retail meat remain low

21 November 2018

Salmonella Found to be Resistant to Different Classes of Antibiotics

21 November 2018

Stanford Chemists Develop a New Way to Treat Antibiotic-Resistant Infections

21 November 2018

Taking action against the global threat of antimicrobial resistance

21 November 2018

IDF joins global fight against antimicrobial resistance to preserve efficacy and public health

21 November 2018

Deaths by AMR Keeps Increasing

21 November 2018

AMR superbugs expected to kill 90,000 Britons in the next 30 years

21 November 2018

Researchers find antibiotic resistance genes on leafy greens

21 November 2018

Study: Almost half of refugees to Finland harbor MDR bacteria

21 November 2018

High MCR-1 prevalence found in Bolivian children not exposed to antibiotics

21 November 2018

Indian study links multidrug-resistant infections to higher mortality risk

21 November 2018

Vermont tracks XDR Shigella outbreak in retirement community

21 November 2018

New gonorrhea antibiotic shows efficacy in small trial

21 November 2018

Antibiotic resistance kills over 50,000 children in India annually

21 November 2018

Detection and prevalence of carbapenem-resistant Gram-negative bacteria among European laboratories part of the COMBACTE network: a COMBACTE LAB-Net survey

21 November 2018

Managing Invasive Aspergillosis in haematological patients in the era of resistance PCR and increasing triazole resistance: a modelling study of different strategies

21 November 2018

AMR Indicators and their relevance to the global indicator framework for the SDGs and targets for the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development

21 November 2018

Community acquired pneumonia among adult patients at an Egyptian university hospital: bacterial etiology, susceptibility profile and evaluation of the response to initial empiric antibiotic therapy

21 November 2018

Kerala, India: launch of the 1st sub-national action plan on AMR

21 November 2018

UNCTAD and WHO focus in on investments for development of new antibiotics

21 November 2018

iTexel Conference: Breeding to reduce antibiotic use

21 November 2018

Korea fighting losing battle against antimicrobial resistance

21 November 2018

Public knowledge and perception about antimicrobials and antimicrobial resistance in Japan: A national questionnaire survey in 2017

21 November 2018

OECD: Interventions to reduce resistant bacteria could save lives, money

21 November 2018

Survey finds ‘alarming’ percentage of families share leftover antibiotics

21 November 2018

Chemical synthesis could produce more potent antibiotics

21 November 2018

Novel Antibacterial Drugs Developed at University of Eastern Finland

21 November 2018

Attributable deaths and disability-adjusted life-years caused by infections with antibiotic-resistant bacteria in the EU and the European Economic Area in 2015: a population-level modelling analysis

20 November 2018

Spanish study: Nearly 20% of pharmacies dispense antibiotics without prescription

20 November 2018

Rate of drug-resistant organisms in Canadian hospitals remains steady

20 November 2018

Searching in soil, scientists find a new way to combat tuberculosis

20 November 2018

Off-patent drug appears promising as broad-spectrum antifungal

20 November 2018

Study finds pyrosequencing tied to much earlier treatment for MDR-TB

20 November 2018

Multidrug-Resistant Infections: Implementing Programs for Antimicrobial Stewardship

20 November 2018

Antimicrobial Resistance of Salmonella Isolates Recovered from Chickens Sold at Retail Outlets in Trinidad

20 November 2018

Resistance diagnostics as a public health tool to combat antibiotic resistance: A model-based evaluation

20 November 2018

Infections by multidrug-resistant Gram-negative Bacteria: what’s new in our arsenal and what’s in the pipeline?

20 November 2018

Microbial Community Composition and Antibiotic Resistance Genes within a North Carolina Urban Water System

20 November 2018

Monitoring antibiotic resistance

20 November 2018

Novel Probiotic-Antibiotic Combination Eradicates Drug-Resistant Bacteria

20 November 2018

Have you considered selective dry-cow therapy?

20 November 2018

Antibiotics, Resistome and Resistance Mechanisms: A Bacterial Perspective

20 November 2018

Send more data: a systematic review of mathematical models of antimicrobial resistance

20 November 2018

Analysis of the clinical antibacterial and antituberculosis pipeline

20 November 2018

Benefits noted for ceftolozane-tazobactam for treating MDR Pseudomonas

20 November 2018

Study notes high MCR rates in healthy villagers in Vietnam

20 November 2018

Roundup, Other Herbicides Advance Antibiotic Resistance

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