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9 February 2019

Antimicrobial treatment challenges in the era of Carbapenem resistance

9 February 2019

Faculty helping hospital in India address antibiotic stewardship

9 February 2019

The contribution of whole-genome sequencing to our understanding of the epidemiology and control of methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus

9 February 2019

Antibiotic misuse in respiratory tract infections in children and adults—a prospective, multicentre study (TAILORED Treatment)

9 February 2019

Merck / MSD accepting proposals for its Antimicrobial Stewardship Investigator Studies Program

9 February 2019

Letter urges Congressional action to stimulate antibiotic development

9 February 2019

The State of Education and Training for Antimicrobial Stewardship Programs in Indian Hospitals―A Qualitative and Quantitative Assessment

9 February 2019

Trends in Oral Antibiotic Prescription in Dermatology, 2008 to 2016

9 February 2019

Tackling Antimicrobial Resistance through Improved Livestock Health and Welfare

9 February 2019

Government plans to control antimicrobial resistance launched: Guidance for dentists

9 February 2019

Antimicrobial resistance and the role of vaccines

9 February 2019

New guideline for cough (acute): antimicrobial prescribing

9 February 2019

Drug susceptibility testing and mortality in patients treated for tuberculosis in high-burden countries: a multicentre cohort study

8 February 2019

WHO methodology to measure antibiotic use in hospitals

7 February 2019

Can resistant infections be perceptible in UK dairy farming?

7 February 2019

Fight Against Superbugs Crucial to America’s Biodefense

7 February 2019

Letter urges Congressional action to stimulate antibiotic development

7 February 2019

FDA Accepts for Review NDA for Merck’s Investigational Combination of Imipenem/Cilastatin and Relebactam, and sNDA for ZERBAXA® (Ceftolozane and Tazobactam)

7 February 2019

CARB-X funds Recida Therapeutics to develop a new class of antibiotics to treat deadly infections caused by Gram negative superbugs

6 February 2019

Use of microbiology tests in the era of increasing AMR rates – a multicentre hospital cohort study

6 February 2019

EU: First regional workshop on antimicrobial resistance

5 February 2019

We can win the war on superbugs but only with the right investment

5 February 2019

Mobidiag Announces Completion of €10m Equity Investment from Autobio Diagnostics

5 February 2019

Microbes Hitched to Insects Provide a Rich Source of New Antibiotics

5 February 2019

Use of microbiology tests in the era of increasing AMR rates– a multicentre hospital cohort study

5 February 2019

Using the best available data to estimate the cost of antimicrobial resistance: a systematic review

5 February 2019

Researchers Develop New Approach for Vanquishing Superbugs

5 February 2019

Up to £1m funding awarded to develop bacterial vaccines in global fight against antimicrobial resistance

5 February 2019

CARB-X funds Polyphor to develop a new class of antibiotics to treat serious infections caused by Gram- negative ESKAPE superbugs

4 February 2019

Diversity of Plasmids and Genes Encoding Resistance to Extended Spectrum Cephalosporins in Commensal Escherichia coli From Dutch Livestock in 2007–2017

4 February 2019

Antibiotic resistance in Bangladesh: A systematic review

4 February 2019

Why Dutch hospitals are so good at beating superbugs

4 February 2019

Antibiotic Stewardship—Twenty Years in the Making

4 February 2019

Using local clinical and microbiological data to develop an institution specific carbapenem-sparing strategy in sepsis: a nested case-control study

4 February 2019

MMV and DNDi make 400 compounds available to stimulate research into new drugs for pandemic diseases

4 February 2019

2019 WHO Global Survey on Infection Prevention and Control (IPC) and Hand Hygiene

4 February 2019

One Health report highlights farming antibiotic reductions

4 February 2019

Pharma firms to be incentivised to develop new superbug drugs

4 February 2019

Antimicrobial stewardship program (ASP): an effective implementing technique for the therapy efficiency of meropenem and vancomycin antibiotics in Iranian pediatric patients

4 February 2019

New Novodiag® Carbar+ test allows rapid, cost-effective molecular testing for ‘superbacteria’ and associated drug resistance

4 February 2019

Pherecydes Pharma reports successful patient treatment with bacteriophages

4 February 2019

Scientists say the spread of antimicrobial resistance is a ‘global disaster’

4 February 2019

The Infectious Diseases Society of America’s 10 × ’20 Initiative (Ten New Systemic Antibacterial Agents FDA-approved by 2020): Is 20 × ’20 a Possibility?

4 February 2019

FFAR Launches International Consortium for Antimicrobial Stewardship in Agriculture

4 February 2019

One Health Report on Antimicrobial Use & Antimicrobial Resistance

4 February 2019

Open-Label FURI Study, Showing Oral Ibrexafungerp’s Ability to Treat Refractory Fungal Infections and to Provide an Alternative to Long-Term IV Therapies

4 February 2019

The clinical significance of carbapenem-resistant Klebsiella pneumoniae rectal colonization in critically ill patients: from colonization to bloodstream infection

4 February 2019

UK One Health Report: antibiotic use and antibiotic resistance in animals and humans

4 February 2019

Antibiotic resistance in pets an increasing problem

4 February 2019

National Research Program in Norway Targeting Antimicrobial Resistance

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