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19 February 2019
JPIAMR launches AMR Research Funding Dashboard
18 February 2019

Antibiotic Use in Food Animals: Human Health Concerns
18 February 2019

Hard-To-Detect Antibiotic Resistance An Underestimated Clinical Problem
18 February 2019

Over half of UAE residents forget to take antibiotics: Study
18 February 2019
Find New Genomic Insights into Antimicrobial Resistance
18 February 2019

Using the NCBI AMRFinder Tool to Determine Antimicrobial Resistance Genotype-Phenotype Correlations Within a Collection of NARMS Isolates
17 February 2019

The rise of the superbug Gonorrhea
17 February 2019

New estimates aim to define the true burden of superbug infections
17 February 2019

Bringing Antimicrobial Susceptibility Testing (AST) to the Community
17 February 2019

Fighting AMR by stopping infections before they start
15 February 2019

Antibiotic resistance: A cross-sectional study on knowledge, attitude, and practices among veterinarians of Haryana state in India
15 February 2019

The antimicrobial potential of Streptomyces from insect microbiomes
15 February 2019

OIE Annual report on antimicrobial agents intended for use in animals
15 February 2019

Implementation of antibiotic stewardship in different settings – results of an international survey
15 February 2019

Countries still using antibiotics to fatten animals despite ban
15 February 2019

Hooked to the pill: India’s antibiotics overkill
15 February 2019

The Fight Against Superbugs: 5 Priorities for 2019
15 February 2019

Bicycle Therapeutics to tackle AMR with government funding
14 February 2019

LexaGene’s Technology Successfully Detects Antibiotic Resistance Factors
14 February 2019

Study to the role of poor-quality medicines in fostering antimicrobial resistance (AMR)
14 February 2019

How can mathematical modelling help us to understand the threat posed by antimicrobial resistance?
14 February 2019

Indian Healthcare Welcomes Initiative To Curb Antibiotic Resistance
13 February 2019

Commonwealth Partnership for Antimicrobial Stewardship – Partnerships announced!
13 February 2019
Commonwealth Partnership for Antimicrobial Stewardship – Partnerships announced!
13 February 2019

#BIOCEO19: We’re Out of Time to Address the Dire Market Failures in Antimicrobial Resistance
13 February 2019

Better Way of Assessing Bacterial Sensitivity to Antibiotics Could Change How Drugs are Prescribed
13 February 2019

Use of microbiology tests in the era of increasing AMR rates– a multicentre hospital cohort study
13 February 2019

Using the best available data to estimate the cost of antimicrobial resistance: a systematic review
13 February 2019

Bridging antimicrobial resistance knowledge gaps: The East African perspective on a global problem
13 February 2019

The SHIELD Orange County Project –Multi Drug-Resistant Organism (MDRO) Prevalence in 21 Nursing Homes and Long Term Acute Care Facilities in Southern California
13 February 2019
Exposures to Drug-Resistant Brucellosis Linked to Raw Milk
11 February 2019

UK Government announces ‘enhanced’ role of pharmacists to address antimicrobial resistance
11 February 2019

EU food alert system exposed to antimicrobial resistant contamination
11 February 2019
How we can win the war against antibiotic resistance
11 February 2019

Ten-year challenge
11 February 2019

We’re Not Using One of Our Best Weapons against Drug-Resistant Microbes
11 February 2019

Ultrafast search of all deposited bacterial and viral genomic data
11 February 2019

The web meets genomics: a DNA search engine for microbes
11 February 2019

Florida International and PAHO Launch New Manual to Guide Management of Antibiotic Resistance in the Americas
9 February 2019

The antibiotic use goes down
9 February 2019

One Health—Its Importance in Helping to Better Control Antimicrobial Resistance
9 February 2019
UK Math Professor Developing Framework to Understand Drug-resistant Diseases
9 February 2019

Antimicrobial treatment challenges in the era of Carbapenem resistance
9 February 2019

Faculty helping hospital in India address antibiotic stewardship
9 February 2019
The contribution of whole-genome sequencing to our understanding of the epidemiology and control of methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus
9 February 2019

Antibiotic misuse in respiratory tract infections in children and adults—a prospective, multicentre study (TAILORED Treatment)
9 February 2019

Merck / MSD accepting proposals for its Antimicrobial Stewardship Investigator Studies Program
9 February 2019

Letter urges Congressional action to stimulate antibiotic development
9 February 2019

The State of Education and Training for Antimicrobial Stewardship Programs in Indian Hospitals―A Qualitative and Quantitative Assessment
9 February 2019

Trends in Oral Antibiotic Prescription in Dermatology, 2008 to 2016
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