Emissions of antibiotics & AMR

Antibiotic resistance develops when bacteria are exposed to antibiotics. As a result, the antibiotics become ineffective and human and veterinary infections may not be treatable anymore. In addition, medical interventions including surgery, chemotherapy and stem cell therapy may become impossible.

Antibiotics in the environment increase the risk of promoting antibiotic resistance.

“Drug-resistant infections are already responsible for more than half a million deaths globally each year. Early research commissioned by the Review suggests that if the world fails to act to control resistance, this toll will exceed 10 million each year by 2050 and have cost the world over 100 trillion USD in lost output.”
Source: Review on Antimicrobial Resistance.

Emissions of antibiotics in India

Research shows that in countries such as India the discharge of antibiotics into surface water is considered a serious threat. The new Consortium will support technological solutions that reduce these emissions.

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