New AMR Insights Ambassador Network

  04 September 2019

No more passive waiting…

More and more people do want to contribute to preventing Antimicrobial resistance (AMR). Being meaningful in curbing the escalating, global threat to health and food safety. AMR is of their concern and they want a better world for themselves, friends, relations and for their children. Add to preventing AMR: not as a solitary individual but as part of a growing, international network of professionals.
Welcome to the AMR Insights Network of Ambassadors!

The AMR Insights Ambassador Network is a growing, global network of committed professionals. AMR Insights Ambassadors add to curbing AMR by:

  • Enhancing the awareness of AMR in their own, professional environment
  • Spreading information on AMR within their networks
  • Connecting with other professionals involved in curbing AMR.

Ambassadors bring in their competences, skills and networks

Ambassadors may bring in personal competences like text writing, educating, making videos, coaching, fundraising, designing, communicating, leadership, etc. Also think of creative and critical thinking, marketing, organizational and social media skills. Above all Ambassadors bring in and activate their networks by forwarding relevant news and sharing social media posts on AMR.
What can you bring in to curb AMR?

Ambassadors may support AMR Insights

Ambassadors may support AMR Insights at their sole discretion. How? By bringing in their competences, skills and networks to support AMR Insights. But also by initiating forum discussions, fund-raising or awareness-raising events.
Ambassadors encourage other professionals to take AMR seriously.

Rewards for Ambassadors

In return for their valuable input and collaboration, Ambassadors can count on the support of AMR Insights and of their fellow Ambassadors. The AMR Insights information platform and newsletter is at their disposal to post selected news items, guest blogs and events. In addition, Ambassadors have a standard 25% discount on AMR Insights symposia, masterclasses and other paid events. 
The biggest reward is that Ambassadors meaningfully contribute to the prevention of AMR.

Ambassadors part of a growing global network

Ambassadors are part of and have access to the growing, global network of AMR Insights Ambassadors. They may participate in the AMR Insights Ambassador WhatsApp group and the (future) LinkedIn Group.
Ambassadors can count on the expertise and support of their fellow Ambassadors.

How to become an Ambassador? Email us:

Ambassadors can be invited by AMR Insights and can be proposed by existing Ambassadors. We invite individual professionals to express their interest to become an ambassadors: email to The ambassadorship is on an exclusive,  voluntary basis: there are no costs involved.
Ambassadors can only gain…

Not yet convinced? Watch the video by our Ambassador Dr Amine Zorgani here and contact us today! 

What is going on with AMR?
Stay tuned with remarkable global AMR news and developments!