Meet the Ambassador… Debbie

  04 March 2020

Guest blog by Debbie Goff

Goff Goes Global with Antibiotic Stewardship

Antibiotic resistance anywhere is antibiotic resistance everywhere states Debra Goff PharmD. a Global Antibiotic Stewardship expert, Professor of Pharmacy and Infectious Diseases clinical pharmacist at The Ohio State University Wexner Medical Center in Columbus OH USA. She also works with OSU One Health Stewardship, a collaboration between human, animal and agriculture experts. Her passion and work in antibiotic stewardship encompasses travel to six continents to directly engage and educate healthcare providers and the public in the implementation of antibiotic stewardship programs (ASP). Through her Train the Trainer pharmacist ASP mentoring program with South Africa, she played a central role in bringing the value of pharmacists making ASP interventions in low-middle income countries to the attention of the World Health Organization and Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). She is a CDC ASP consultant for LMIC and 1 of 25 global experts working with the WHO to implement ASP in LMIC. Her widely viewed Tedx talk and animated video explaining Antibiotic Resistance in addition to her collaborative paper in Lancet ID titled “A Global Call from Five Countries to Collaborate in Antibiotic Stewardship: United we Succeed, Divided we Might Fail” demonstrates her ongoing passion and commitment to helping countries implement ASPs. Follow her on Twitter @idpharmd to engage with her on global issues related to antibiotic resistance and stewardship.

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