Italian livestock at the top against the antibiotic-resistance

  18 December 2021

Much has been done to reduce the use of medicines in the veterinary field, and in Italian livestock farming, the use of antibiotics has collapsed. The latest ESVAC report confirms this trend.

The animal health sector, with farmers and veterinarians at the forefront, is preparing for the appointment of 28 January 2022, when the new rules for the prescription of veterinary medicines will be published. In fact, from that date, the obligation to use the electronic register of veterinary treatments of animals in livestock production will come into force.

So, we will know how many and which prescriptions have been signed (the electronic prescription already exists). We will also know precisely the quantity and type of drug used and the species of animal treated. The monitoring of the use of antibiotics (and not only them) will be so complete, and we will know who uses them and in what quantities.

This is an important step forward in the fight against antibiotic resistance (AMR – antimicrobial resistance), a growing phenomenon responsible for many victims, meant to increase if no decisive action is taken. And the first step is a targeted and minimal use of antibiotics.

Further reading: Carne Sostenibili
Author(s): Angelo Gamberini
Healthy Animals   Secure Foods  


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Antimicrobial Resistance Fighter Coalition

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