Is Antibiotic Resistance A Problem For The Dairy Industry In Georgia?

  31 August 2020

Antibiotics Resistance (AMR) is a global threat to human health, agriculture, and global ecosystems. The Multisectoral and global answer is required to reduce the risk of antibiotics resistance spreading all around the globe. 

Nevertheless, Antibiotics resistance issues are not addressed and investigated in Georgia. There is a significant knowledge gap concerning the spreading of antibiotic resistance in the Georgian agriculture and dairy sector, which generates a big part of animal origin food in Georgia. The article’s objective is to review available information about the Georgian dairy sector and raise a question about whether current practices increase the risk of antimicrobial resistance spreading. 

Review highlights Georgian dairy sectored constraints such as usage of outdated practices and methods in cattle feeding, breeding, milking, and welfare. No control over veterinary medicine sales and usage. Food safety risks are connected to a lack of control of small household farmers. Researches done in the human health sector indicated antibiotic development resistance in Staphylococcus aureus, which is one of the familiar sources of bovine mastitis. Antibiotics resistance in dairy farming is not yet researched. However, National Food Agency monitoring results on the presence of prohibited antibiotics residual in cattle milk and blood indicates that there are increased risks of antibiotics resistance bacteria development in dairy farming and spreading in the environment through the food chain.

Author(s): Keti Khakhviashvili, Angelika Ploeger, Kakha Didebulidze, Tea Oshkhereli
Healthy Animals   Secure Foods  


Unrestricted financial support by:

Antimicrobial Resistance Fighter Coalition

Bangalore Bioinnovation Centre




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