
Stay Informed with AMR NEWS
Raising awareness about AMR starts with informing professionals.
Sent to professionals worldwide, AMR NEWS delivers the latest, most relevant updates on antimicrobial resistance, including:
- New guidelines and key announcements
- Recent outbreaks of resistant bacteria
- Industry trends and breakthroughs
- Cutting-edge scientific developments
- The latest in novel antibiotics, antimicrobials, and microbial diagnostics
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With over 5,500 AMR-related news items and publications since 2017, you’ll find the latest AMR updates in one place. Each post links to the original publication and includes a tailored summary, source, first author, and downloadable reports when available.
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All posts are available in order of publication date under News.
Access to news per Focal area
- News related to Healthy Patients
- News related to Effective Suveillance
- News related to Healthy Animals
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- News related to Engaged Students
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