ICARS’ Recommendations to the UN General Assembly’s High-level Meeting on AMR

  16 May 2024

The International Council of Agricultural Research (ICARS) recommends that UN Member States promote a science-policy-implementation dialogue to bridge the gap between evidence and policy development and implementation. A bottom-up, policy-driven approach across all governance layers can help bridge this gap. The UNGA policy recommendations should support setting up a sustainable ecosystem of evidence and innovation generation, prioritizing intervention and implementation research in line with the Quadripartite AMR One Health Priority Research Agenda. Context-specific and country-owned solutions should be advocated, with countries defining their priorities and solutions relevant to their settings. AMR should be seen as a horizontal challenge, integrating efforts with other aspects of sustainable development, such as vaccination, biosecurity, infection prevention, WASH, pandemic preparedness, sustainable food systems, waste management, access to healthcare, and diagnostics. Global governance and leadership should be strengthened, with an independent panel gathering and evaluating evidence to inform decision-making. Efficient financing is crucial for timely solutions to mitigate AMR, with models addressing local needs, providing sustainable support to research, and considering different financial instruments beyond the traditional Overseas Development Assistance model.

Further reading: ICARS
Author(s): ICARS
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