ESCMID ICOHAR International Conference on One Health Antimicrobial Resistance
Utrecht (The Netherlands)
Conference background & aim
It is generally recognized that control and prevention of antimicrobial resistance (AMR) requires a holistic One Health approach involving specialists from different sectors. In line with this concept, the 2nd edition of ESCMID ICOHAR will bring together representatives from the public health, medical, veterinary and food safety sectors to share research and education strategies and tools for understanding and reducing the risks of AMR from a One Health perspective. The conference aims at creating an interdisciplinary and intersectorial platform for ongoing dialogue and concerted action among scientists, professionals and policy makers interested in AMR.
ESCMID ICOHAR is a truly One Health conference focusing on transfer of AMR at the interface between humans, animals and the environment as well as on the numerous AMR-related challenges shared by clinicians, clinical microbiologists, infectious disease specialists and researchers working in human and veterinary medicine (e.g. control of AMR outbreaks, harmonization of antimicrobial susceptibility testing, implementation of antimicrobial stewardship, development alternatives to antimicrobials, etc). This event is organized by the ESCMID Study Group for Veterinary Microbiology (ESGVM) in collaboration with other 13 ESCMID Study Groups, and consequently reflects the scientific and educational goals of each Study Group involved. The conference will include parallel streams targeting clinic- and laboratory-based delegates with plenary interactive sessions addressing topics of broad interest. We will happily accept original data for poster and oral presentations. We are also especially interested in supporting young investigators and researchers from low to middle income countries. Challenges Although significant improvements in integrated surveillance of AMR have been achieved in the recent years, transmission of AMR via animals, food and the environment remains a major global public health concern. Various factors act as barriers to interdisciplinary collaboration and restrict the ability for professionals to work collaboratively across different sectors and disciplines. For a One Health approach to be implemented in the fight against AMR, professionals working in the fields of human, animal and ecological health must step outside their silos and agree on a clear definition
and vision of One Health. ESCMID ICOHAR is a multidisciplinary forum where challenges and barriers to the implementation of a One Health approach to tackle AMR are discussed and debated.
Abstract deadline
16 January 2019
Conference secretariat
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