EADA 2024

Program 26 November: Connecting AMR Innovators

All times in Central European Time (CET); presenters confirmed

Welcome, coffee & tea (13:00 – 13:45)
Leading AMR Innovation Networks Europe and beyond
AMR Innovation Networks breeding ground for tomorrow’s innovations!
Dr Maarten van Dongen, AMR Insights, The Netherlands
TARGetAMR: Transdisciplinary Antimicrobial Resistance Genomics
Prof Paul Flowers, University of Strathclyde, UK: The TARGetAMR Network will utilise recent genomic advances to better understand AMR and leverage this information for surveillance, diagnostic, and infection prevention control practices.
ARREST-AMR: Accurate, Rapid, Robust and Economical One Health DiagnoSTics for antimicrobial resistance
Dr Seshasailam Venkateswaran, Queen Mary University of London, UK: The ARREST-AMR Network will focus on diagnostic tools in a One Health context.
Origami Sense Network: New, easy to use, low-cost technologies based on DNA origami biosensing
Professor Damion Corrigan FRSC FHEA, University of Strathclyde, UK: DNA origami structures designed to detect biological markers of high relevance to AMR will be developed and exemplified via impedance and nanopore sensing.
Futures AMR Network (FAN): supporting early career researchers to become future leaders in the AMR field
Dr Linda Oyama, Queen’s University Belfast, UK: FAN will tackle AMR in the areas of agri-food health, environment and medicine using approaches in the arts and AI, behavioural economics, clinical engineering and discovery.
International Fungal Network for One-Health Resistance Surveillance: Antifungal Resistance
Prof Paul Verweij, Radboud University Medical Centre, The Netherlands: INFORM-AFR will design an AFR surveillance program to involve clinical and environmental sampling, the use of genomics tools and data management. The framework will enable systematic resistance surveillance in multiple countries for multiple fungal pathogens.
B2B2B Network: Bench, Bedside, Business, and Beyond: innovative solutions for AMR diagnostics
Dr John Hays, Erasmus Medical Centre Rotterdam, The Netherlands: The network brings together universities, hospitals, for-profits, governments and nonprofits to enhance R&D and commercialisation of novel AMR diagnostics.
Coffee, tea (15:30 – 16:00)
TRA-COAT Network: Development and in vivo validation of a novel triggered release antibiofilm coating
Dr Guglielmo Coppola, University of Leuven, Belgium: The network reduces the incidence of infections by developing novel, resistance-proof antimicrobial coatings and biofilm preventing activity for trauma implants and vascular grafts.
TEXAS Network: next-generation AMR surveillance by high-throughput and multiplexing potential
Prof Thomas Berendonk, Technical University Dresden, Germany: The network develops a digital droplet PCR as well as a multiplexed DNA-based electrochemical biosensor platform. Both invaluable for AMR surveillance in low-resource regions.
Fungal One Health and Antimicrobial Resistance Network (F1AMR)
Prof Michael Bromley, University of Manchester, UK: The Fungal One Health and Antimicrobial Resistance Network develops solutions to tackle the emergence of drug-resistant fungal infections according a One Health approach.
Health economics and human factors as evidence to design and take AMR innovations to the markets
Dr Melody Zhifang Ni, Imperial College, UK
Connecting Leading AMR Innovation Networks
Connecting session, presentation AMR Technology Database and Ambassador Expertise Database
Dr Maarten van Dongen, AMR Insights, The Netherlands
Welcome reception EADA 2024
Networking, drinks and bites (17:15 – 18:15)
Conference Dinner EADA 2024
Floating networking dinner ‘World heritage Amsterdam canals by night’
Embarkment at 100 m from symposium location; disembarkment at 20:30 at the same place

Program 27 November: Strengthening AMR Innovation

Welcome, coffee & tea (08:30 – 09:00)
Impact of Innovation to combat AMR
The emerging Leadership in Enhancing Antimicrobial Discovery (LEAD) programme
Prof Christopher Dowson, University of Warwick, UK
Translating research into novel therapeutics
Dr David Orr, Infex Therapeutics, UK
Accelerating AMR Innovation
Role of the regulator and MHRA activities relating to AMR innovation
Dr Matthew Lamaudiere, Business Partner/Product Manager at Medicines and Healthcare Products, MHRA, UK
Towards the sustainable discovery and development of new antibiotics
Prof Anna Hirsch, Helmholtz-Institute for Pharmaceutical Research Saarland, Germany
New perspectives to drive AMR innovation
Health and Wealth: The Investors’ Guide to Antimicrobial Resistance
Claudia Duarte, Access to Medicine Foundation, The Netherlands
The novel Resonant Recognition Model (RRM) Technology to combat AMR
Dr Ivan Loncarevic, QBR A/S, Denmark
Coffee, tea (10:30 – 11:00)
Data to drive AMR Innovation
Importance of Surveillance Studies and appropriate data collection in the Battle Against AMR
Dr Stephen Hawser, IHMA, Switzerland / USA
Delivering Desirable Diagnostics to combat AMR
Identifying Multiple Pathogens and ARGs simultaneously with microfluidics-based PCR
Dr Geoff Dance, Standard Biotools, The Netherlands
iFAST Rapid Antimicrobial Sensitivity Testing saving lives and reducing the spread of antimicrobial resistance
Dr Toby King, iFAST Diagnostics, UK
Latest developments on Antimicrobial Sensitivity Testing devices
Dr Fabio Brocco, Liofilchem, Italy
Promising Antimicrobial strategies to combat AMR
Next-generation glycopeptides with potent in vitro and in vivo antibacterial activity
Prof Nathaniel Martin, Leiden University, The Netherlands
Dry-powder inhalation formulation to effectively treat lung infections caused by resistant P. aeruginosa
Dr Auke van Heel, Omnicin Therapeutics, The Netherlands
Light-activated treatment for wounds colonised with resistant microbes
Dr David Chisholm Head of Technology LightOx , UK
Networking lunch (12:45 – 13:45)
1:1 Matchmaking rounds I – III (12:45 – 13:45)
AMR Technology Updates
The o~pal CRP Rapid test: Best in class, lowest cost digitally connected CRP test for use at home and at PoC
Dr Paul Ko Ferrigno Founder and CEO, éclateral, UK
Debugging the Superbug: Data Platforms for Fostering AMR Breakthroughs
Dr Adam Ostrowski, Firefinch, UK
Betting on the right therapeutic phage using high-performance bioinformatics
Dr Antoine Culot, CEO Rime Bio-informatics, France
Next generation vaccines to prevent AMR
Dr Fadil Bidmos, Imperial College London, UK
The Hollow Fibre Infection Model (HFIM), a novel in vitro model for developing anti-infective therapies
Dr Aurelie Couturier, EVOTEC, UK
Coffee & tea break (15:00 – 16:00)
1:1 Matchmaking rounds IV – VI (15:00 – 16:00)
Inclusive Innovation in AMR
Dilemmas and Ethical Perspectives of AMR Innovation
Prof Mariëtte van den Hoven, Professor Medical Ethics at Amsterdam UMC, The Netherlands: Responsibility, justice and fairness and how to move responsibly forward with innovating in AMR?
Panel discussion Inclusive Innovation in AMR
Panel members: Prof Mariette van den Hoven / Dr Stephen Hawser / Prof Chris Dowson / Claudia Duarte / Dr Ersin Topcuoglu
Conclusion formal part EADA 2024
Dr Maarten van Dongen, AMR Insights, The Netherlands
Closure EADA 2024
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