Presenting AMR Networks
TARGetAMR Network
The TARGetAMR network will utilise recent genomic advances to better understand AMR and leverage this information for surveillance, diagnostic, and infection prevention control practices. Furthermore, TARGetAMR will provide opportunities for researchers from other disciplines to work together with sequencing and genomics scientists to address questions around the economic, social and ethical challenges in implementing this.

The ARREST-AMR Network will focus on diagnostic tools in a One Health context. This network will coordinate and develop practical solutions for diagnostics in humans, animals and plants, across various settings. It will:
- identify needs across sectors
- develop research and innovation
- standardise evaluation
- support implementation
- cross-pollinate findings

Futures AMR Network (FAN)
The UKRI funded Futures AMR Network (FAN) will support early career researchers across a range of disciplines to become future leaders in the AMR field.

Fungal One Health and Antimicrobial Resistance Network (F1AMR) Network
The Fungal One Health and Antimicrobial Resistance Network (F1AMR) develops solutions to tackle the emergence of drug-resistant fungal infections according a One Health approach. It will cover healthcare, agricultural and pharmaceutical industries, as well as working with key policy makers.

Origami Sense Network
The JPIAMR funded Origami Sense Network focuses on new, easy to use, low-cost technologies based on DNA origami biosensing to achieve distributed screening for AMR and improved antibiotic prescribing.

Phage Innovation Network
Innovate UK’s Phage Innovation Network is working to address barriers to further the development and use of phage-based technologies and ensure the UK maintains its strong stance on tackling AMR.

B2B2B AMRDx Network
The B2B2B AMRDx network is a cross-disciplinary group of partners from universities (bench), hospitals (bedside), for-profits (business), governments and nonprofits (beyond) focusing on 3 objectives to address the challenges faced by AMR diagnostics developers.

TRA-COAT Network
The TRA-COAT network aims to reduce the incidence of implant infections by developing a novel, resistance-proof antimicrobial coating with innovative functionalities, including biofilm preventing activity and triggered localized release of classic antimicrobials. The focus will be on trauma implants and vascular grafts, with potential translation to many other implants.

TEXAS Network
The TEXAS Network develops two promising technological platforms that can be readily incorporated into national and international integrated surveillance programs: the digital droplet PCR platform and the multiplexed DNA-based electrochemical biosensor platform. Both will be invaluable for AMR surveillance in low-resource regions.