International AMR Conference

Emerging Antimicrobials and Diagnostics in AMR (EADA)

26-27 November, Amsterdam, The Netherlands

Learn about the latest AMR technologies and benefit from extensive partnering and networking opportunities

International podium upcoming AMR technologies
EADA 2024 is the 7th AMR Insights AMR Conference on row. EADA 2024 provides an overview of emerging preventives, antimicrobials, new antimicrobial strategies, microbial diagnostics and related platform technologies. The event welcomes private and public organisations involved in AMR innovation worldwide.

Attractive, interactive programme
The event offers key note lectures, technology updates, product updates, orchestrated 1:1 matchmaking sessions, frontline stories, discussion and information market. As well as ample networking opportunities over coffee, lunch, drinks and the traditional, joint conference dinner.

Showcase your AMR technology, emerging diagnostic or antimicrobial
EADA 2024 provides the opportunity to present your AMR technology to the international participants. EADA 2024 welcomes presenters from startups, SMEs, multinationals, academia and research institutions active in the domain of antibiotics, antimicrobials, alternative antimicrobials, AMR diagnostics and preventives/vaccines worldwide. Complete the form to express your interest.

Orchestrated matchmakings
EADA 2024 offers the well-known, orchestrated, onsite matchmaking sessions: short and effective, bilateral meetings according a pre-defined arrangement based on your own interests. Participants automatically enroll in the matchmaking program.

Symposium dinner on 26 November
The event offers a unique floating symposium dinner at a private cruise through the Amsterdam canals. For this you need to sign up separately. Booking and payment for the floating dinner is possible upon registering for the event. Maximum 38 persons can join; first come, first served.

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