Dosing the Coast: Leaking Sewage Infrastructure Delivers Large Annual Doses and Dynamic Mixtures of Pharmaceuticals to Urban Rivers

  01 September 2021

Pharmaceuticals are commonly detected at low concentrations in surface waters, where they disrupt biological and ecological processes. Despite their ubiquity, the annual mass of pharmaceuticals exported from watersheds is rarely quantified. We used liquid chromatography–mass spectroscopy to screen for 92 pharmaceuticals in weekly samples from an urban stream network in Baltimore, MD, USA, that lacks wastewater treatment effluents. Across the network, we detected 37 unique compounds, with higher concentrations and more compounds in streams with higher population densities. We also used concentrations and stream discharge to calculate annual pharmaceutical loads at the watershed outlet, which range from less than 1 kg to ∼15 kg and are equivalent to tens of thousands of human doses.


Further reading: ACS Publications
Author(s): Megan L. Fork, Jerker B. Fick, Alexander J. Reisinger, and Emma J. Rosi
Clean Environment  


Unrestricted financial support by:

Antimicrobial Resistance Fighter Coalition

Bangalore Bioinnovation Centre




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