Cumulative antimicrobial susceptibility and resistance patterns in a private hospital in Sri Lanka

  31 January 2020

These data of AMR patterns in a private hospital of Sri Lanka would not represent whole population. However it is noted during last three years the antimicrobial resistance is gradually increasing for most of the agents.

Important points for all prescribers:

  • Do not treat viral infections with antibiotics and do adequate tests to exclude. Most bacterial infections are self limiting.
  • Use systematic sepsis assessment scores and evidence based policies and guidelines  to use antibiotics.
  • Devoid of  polypharmacy. In life threatening severe sepsis early and suitable antibiotics are essential.
  • Do not use prophylactics without guidance. When antibiotics are indicated for an established diagnosis, assure adequate doses, duration and adequate serum concentration and the concentration to the site of infection.
Author(s): J.M.R.W.W.Wadanamby (AMR Insights Ambassador), Dilip Gayashan
Healthy Patients  


Unrestricted financial support by:

Antimicrobial Resistance Fighter Coalition

Bangalore Bioinnovation Centre




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