AMR news related to Smart Innovations

For Scientists, Researchers and Innovating Professionals who want to stay adequately informed on Antimicrobial resistance, AMR Insights offers the most comprehensive overview of recently published, global news and information.

23 February 2019

Physicists Develop New Method to Identify Antibiotic-Resistant Bacteria

19 February 2019

QIAGEN partners with Ares Genetics to advance global fight against antibiotic-resistant pathogens

19 February 2019

The Quest for Novel Antimicrobial Compounds: Emerging Trends in Research, Development, and Technologies

19 February 2019

JPIAMR launches AMR Research Funding Dashboard

18 February 2019

Find New Genomic Insights into Antimicrobial Resistance

18 February 2019

Using the NCBI AMRFinder Tool to Determine Antimicrobial Resistance Genotype-Phenotype Correlations Within a Collection of NARMS Isolates

17 February 2019

Bringing Antimicrobial Susceptibility Testing (AST) to the Community

15 February 2019

The antimicrobial potential of Streptomyces from insect microbiomes

15 February 2019

Bicycle Therapeutics to tackle AMR with government funding

13 February 2019

Better Way of Assessing Bacterial Sensitivity to Antibiotics Could Change How Drugs are Prescribed

11 February 2019

Ultrafast search of all deposited bacterial and viral genomic data

11 February 2019

The web meets genomics: a DNA search engine for microbes

9 February 2019

UK Math Professor Developing Framework to Understand Drug-resistant Diseases

9 February 2019

Letter urges Congressional action to stimulate antibiotic development

7 February 2019

Letter urges Congressional action to stimulate antibiotic development

7 February 2019

FDA Accepts for Review NDA for Merck’s Investigational Combination of Imipenem/Cilastatin and Relebactam, and sNDA for ZERBAXA® (Ceftolozane and Tazobactam)

7 February 2019

CARB-X funds Recida Therapeutics to develop a new class of antibiotics to treat deadly infections caused by Gram negative superbugs

5 February 2019

We can win the war on superbugs but only with the right investment

5 February 2019

Mobidiag Announces Completion of €10m Equity Investment from Autobio Diagnostics

5 February 2019

Microbes Hitched to Insects Provide a Rich Source of New Antibiotics

5 February 2019

Researchers Develop New Approach for Vanquishing Superbugs

5 February 2019

Up to £1m funding awarded to develop bacterial vaccines in global fight against antimicrobial resistance

5 February 2019

CARB-X funds Polyphor to develop a new class of antibiotics to treat serious infections caused by Gram- negative ESKAPE superbugs

4 February 2019

MMV and DNDi make 400 compounds available to stimulate research into new drugs for pandemic diseases

4 February 2019

Pharma firms to be incentivised to develop new superbug drugs

4 February 2019

New Novodiag® Carbar+ test allows rapid, cost-effective molecular testing for ‘superbacteria’ and associated drug resistance

4 February 2019

Pherecydes Pharma reports successful patient treatment with bacteriophages

4 February 2019

The Infectious Diseases Society of America’s 10 × ’20 Initiative (Ten New Systemic Antibacterial Agents FDA-approved by 2020): Is 20 × ’20 a Possibility?

2 February 2019

It takes two: How biopharma and academia are fighting antimicrobial resistance

29 January 2019

CARB-X provides additional funds for phage lysin to treat Pseudomonas

29 January 2019

Whole Genome Sequencing for Personalized Antibiotic Therapy

29 January 2019

Rapid resistance gene sequencing technology can hasten identification of antibiotic-resistant bacteria

29 January 2019

Whole Genome Sequencing Method May Speed Personalized Treatment Of Drug-Resistant Infections

29 January 2019

HKBU scholars invent world-first multidimensional system for rapid antibiotic resistance testing and analysis

29 January 2019

Genentech Develop Antibiotic Effective Against Gram-Negative Bacteria, With Potential To Lead To New Class Of Antibiotics

29 January 2019

Antibiotic Resistance: The Next Challenges Facing Research

29 January 2019

New AMR strategy revamps drug payment model UK

21 January 2019

Lancet: Analysis of the clinical antibacterial and antituberculosis pipeline

21 January 2019

ReAct: Meet winning teams Innovate4AMR

21 January 2019

Peter Jackson: REVAMP-ing antibiotic funding?

20 January 2019

New antibiotic Ramazol for treatment of Clostridium difficile

19 January 2019

Tim Sandle: Rapid diagnostic device to test bacterial responses to various drug combinations

12 December 2018

GARDP, Eisai and Takeda announce partnership in the search for new antibiotics

11 December 2018

Strategies to combat antimicrobial resistance: anti-plasmid and plasmid curing

7 December 2018

Applying ecological resistance and resilience to dissect bacterial antibiotic responses

7 December 2018

Now Open The Call on AMR Diagnostics and Surveillance

7 December 2018

France releases 40m euros to fight antibiotic resistance

7 December 2018

Small particles act smart against superbugs

7 December 2018

Study Discovers 6,000-Plus Antibiotic Resistance Genes in Gut Bacteria

7 December 2018

Researchers Develop Tool for Speedy Diagnosis of Bacterial Infections

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