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28 August 2019

Use a condom: gonorrhoea on the rise in Australia

28 August 2019

Reducing Emissions from Antibiotics Production (REAP)

27 August 2019

Faecal microbiota transplantation for eradicating carriage of multidrug-resistant organisms: a systematic review

27 August 2019

Spraying Antibiotics to Fight Citrus Scourge Doesn’t Help, Study Finds

27 August 2019

Treatment for extreme drug-resistant tuberculosis wins US government approval

27 August 2019

Trends in resistant Enterobacteriaceae and Acinetobacter species in hospitalized patients in the United States: 2013–2017

27 August 2019

Antimicrobial resistance focus at Broiler Feed QC

27 August 2019

Fraunhofer and grit42 join forces in the global fight against antimicrobial resistance

25 July 2019

First three Escherichia coli isolates harboring mcr-1 in Uruguay

23 July 2019

Understanding Antimicrobial Resistance (AMR) Profiles of Salmonella Biofilm and Planktonic Bacteria Challenged with Disinfectants Commonly Used During Poultry Processing

23 July 2019

Use of Antibiotics Without a Prescription in the U.S. Population: A Scoping Review

23 July 2019

Resistant malaria spreading in South East Asia

22 July 2019

Resistance to critically important antimicrobials in Australian silver gulls (Chroicocephalus novaehollandiae) and evidence of anthropogenic origins

22 July 2019

Novel antibiotics effective against gram-positive and -negative multi-resistant bacteria with limited resistance

22 July 2019

Potential Fifth Clade of Candida auris, Iran, 2018

22 July 2019

FDA approves new treatment for complicated urinary tract and complicated intra-abdominal infections

22 July 2019

Antibiotic resistance crisis deepens in Bangladesh

17 July 2019

Antimicrobial Resistance in Animals and the Environment

17 July 2019

Argentina, CARICOM, PAHO unite to tackle Antimicrobial Resistance

11 July 2019

Identification of four patients with colistin-resistant Escherichia coli containing the mobile colistin resistance mcr-1 gene from a single health system in Michigan

11 July 2019

Reducing antibiotic prescribing in primary care in England from 2014 to 2017: population-based cohort study

10 July 2019

Evaluating antimicrobial resistance in the global shrimp industry

10 July 2019

WHO updates global guidance on medicines and diagnostic tests to address health challenges, prioritize highly effective therapeutics, and improve affordable access

10 July 2019

Excess Antibiotic Treatment Duration and Adverse Events in Patients Hospitalized With Pneumonia: A Multihospital Cohort Study

10 July 2019

Co-ordinated approach urgently required to slow progression of antibiotic resistance

10 July 2019

Antimicrobial Resistance, Pitfall for Humanity or AI’s Next Triumph?

10 July 2019

Quantifying uncertainty about future antimicrobial resistance: Comparing structured expert judgment and statistical forecasting methods

10 July 2019

Development of new antibiotics encouraged with new pharmaceutical payment system

9 July 2019

Global burden of latent multidrug-resistant tuberculosis: trends and estimates based on mathematical modelling

8 July 2019

CRISPR-cas system: biological function in microbes and its use to treat antimicrobial resistant pathogens

8 July 2019

ZonMW, JPIAMR & VALUE-Dx survey to set up overview resources and services

8 July 2019

Personal clinical history predicts antibiotic resistance of urinary tract infections

8 July 2019

Empowering students to become powerful change agents against antimicrobial resistance in Nigeria

8 July 2019

Antimicrobial prescribing and determinants of antimicrobial resistance: a qualitative study among physicians in Pakistan

8 July 2019

Global epidemiology of emerging Candida auris

6 July 2019


5 July 2019

Chemical disarming of isoniazid resistance in Mycobacterium tuberculosis

5 July 2019

IDSA describes AMR challenges, answers in congressional testimony

5 July 2019

BactiVac receives research award at the prestigious Antibiotic Guardian Awards 2019

5 July 2019

New ‘bacteria-phobic’ material could stop the spread of superbugs in hospitals

5 July 2019

Antibiotic resistance in Vibrio cholerae: Understanding the ecology of resistance genes and mechanisms

5 July 2019

One in twenty Danish accident and emergency patients carries resistant bacteria

5 July 2019

Personalized Health Approach To Antimicrobial Resistance Awarded £3.54 Million

5 July 2019

Malaria Consortium shares new film on tackling antimicrobial resistance in Bangladesh

5 July 2019

The international dimensions of antimicrobial resistance: Contextual factors shape distinct ethical challenges in South Africa, Sri Lanka and the United Kingdom

4 July 2019

Prognosis of urinary tract infection caused by KPC-producing Klebsiella pneumoniae: the impact of inappropriate empirical treatment

4 July 2019

Appili Therapeutics Signs $3M USD Grant Contract with the United States Department of Defense to Develop Antibiotics that Target Superbugs

4 July 2019

Outbreak of Multidrug-Resistant Salmonella Infections Linked to Contact with Pig Ear Dog Treats

3 July 2019

Manchester BRC receives £4.4M investment to fight the growing threat of antibiotic resistance

3 July 2019

How much of the food we eat has antibiotics?

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