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12 February 2020

The Power of Nature & Antibiotic-Resistance

12 February 2020

The challenges of investigating antimicrobial resistance in Vietnam – what benefits does a One Health approach offer the animal and human health sectors?

11 February 2020

New platform launched to fight antimicrobial resistance

11 February 2020

Reducing Emissions from Antibiotic Production

11 February 2020

Antimicrobial resistance needs to be combated at primary levels of prevention by nurses

10 February 2020

Antimicrobial resistant enteric bacteria are widely distributed amongst people, animals and the environment in Tanzania

8 February 2020

Is there progress since the implementation of Kenya AMR National policy and action plan?

8 February 2020

India to ban antibiotic pollution from pharma factories

8 February 2020

Test for antibiotic resistance genes provides answers within an hour

7 February 2020

Does the “Holism theory” Explain the Increase in Antimicrobial Efficacy and the Lack of Acquired or Innate Resistance to 5th Generation Silane Quaternary Compounds?

7 February 2020

The oral resistome: A refreshing perspective on AMR

7 February 2020

Using sewage for surveillance of antimicrobial resistance

7 February 2020

What to expect on Antimicrobial Resistance in 2020

7 February 2020

A case report of self-medication with over-the-counter fish antibiotic: Implications for pharmacists

7 February 2020

A Pilot Study of Chicago Waterways as Reservoirs of Multi-Drug Resistant Enterobacteriaceae (MDR-Ent) in a High-Risk Region for Community-Acquired MDR-Ent Infection in Children

7 February 2020

The Antimicrobial Resistance Benchmark 2020 scrutinizes drug manufacturer’s environmental performance and calls for greater transparency

7 February 2020

Antibiotic resistance: Effect of climatic spike

6 February 2020

Resistance to change: AMR gene dynamics on a commercial pig farm with high antimicrobial usage

6 February 2020

Unexpected’ Number Of Resistance Genes Found On Pig Farm

6 February 2020

Social science research contributions to antimicrobial resistance: protocol for a scoping review

5 February 2020

Abundance and diversity of resistomes differ between healthy human oral cavities and gut

5 February 2020

CARB-X Funds Pattern Bioscience to develop a new rapid diagnostic for drug-resistant bacterial infections

5 February 2020

Non-Infection-Related And Non-Visit-Based Antibiotic Prescribing Is Common Among Medicaid Patients

5 February 2020

The growing peril of drug-resistant superbugs

4 February 2020

Social media and drug resistance in nursing training: Using a Twitterchat to develop an international community of practice for antimicrobial resistance

4 February 2020

Accelerating reductions in antimicrobial resistance: Evaluating the effectiveness of an intervention program implemented by an infectious disease consultant

4 February 2020

Combined clonal and plasmid-mediated outbreak of carbapenemase-producing Enterobacterales, Lithuania, 2019–2020

3 February 2020

25% of Antibiotic-Resistant Bacteria Can Spread Resistance Directly to Other Microbes

3 February 2020

How Darwin meets AI in a Scottish study doing battle with the superbugs

3 February 2020

A host’s genes likely influence the spread of antibiotic resistance

3 February 2020

Etiology and Antimicrobial Susceptibility Patterns of Bacterial Agents Causing Urinary Tract Infection in Children under Five years, dar es Salaam.

3 February 2020

Antibiotic-resistance in Tanzania is an environmental problem

3 February 2020

Urine fertilizer: ‘Aging’ effectively protects against transfer of antibiotic resistance

3 February 2020

Drugs giants must help to solve the antibiotics crisis

2 February 2020

Using Machine Learning Techniques to Aid Empirical Antibiotic Therapy Decisions in the Intensive Care Unit of a General Hospital in Greece

2 February 2020

Zambia’s Integrated Antimicrobial Resistance Surveillance Framework

1 February 2020

One quarter of bacterial pathogens can spread antibiotic resistance directly to peers

31 January 2020

Antimicrobial treatment impacts resistance in off-target populations of a nosocomial bacterial pathogen: a case-control study.

31 January 2020

Companies must responsibly manufacture the antimicrobials society needs

31 January 2020

Cumulative antimicrobial susceptibility and resistance patterns in a private hospital in Sri Lanka

31 January 2020

“Superbugs” in the Risk Society: Assessing the Reflexive Function of North American Newspaper Coverage of Antimicrobial Resistance

31 January 2020

Exploring Models for an International Legal Agreement on the Global Antimicrobial Commons: Lessons from Climate Agreements

31 January 2020

Good practice in antimicrobial stewardship

31 January 2020

Tackling antimicrobial resistance on multiple fronts

31 January 2020

In Nigeria, there is no quick fix for antibiotic abuse

30 January 2020

4 key reflections from engaging hospitals in India for antibiotic stewardship

30 January 2020

Antibiotic-resistance in Tanzania is an environmental problem

30 January 2020

A rapid, non-invasive, cost-effective, analytical device for bacterial or viral infection diagnosis through ultra-high sensitivity breath analysis

30 January 2020

Incentivising antibiotic research and development: is the UK’s subscription payment model part of the solution?

30 January 2020

Radical change is required to ensure an antibiotic future

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