
Welcome to the ultimate resource for the latest AMR publications! Easily search through the most up-to-date news using our intuitive search bar, and filter by category to find exactly what you need. Each item links directly to the original publication, ensuring you access the most reliable and relevant information available. Stay informed and stay ahead in the fight against AMR!

3 October 2020

Sepsis Management and Antimicrobial Stewardship Programs: Strengthening the Relationship

3 October 2020

Dynamic Changes in Antimicrobial Resistance in Fecal Escherichia coli from Neonatal Dairy Calves: An Individual Follow-Up Study

3 October 2020

Automating the Generation of Antimicrobial Resistance Surveillance Reports: Proof-of-Concept Study Involving Seven Hospitals in Seven Countries

3 October 2020

Predicting the unpredictable

3 October 2020

World MRSA Day – the Ongoing Global MRSA Epidemic

3 October 2020

Moving from paper to action – The status of National AMR Action Plans in African countries

3 October 2020

Changes in colistin resistance and mcr-1 abundance in Escherichia coli of animal and human origins following the ban of colistin-positive additives in China: an epidemiological comparative study

2 October 2020

COVID-19 pandemic and antimicrobial resistance: Another call to strengthen laboratory diagnostic capacity in Africa

2 October 2020

Multidrug-resistant iNTS: A growing threat in Kenya

2 October 2020

Insect bites and stings: antimicrobial prescribing

2 October 2020

Reenergising antibiotic policy: hallmarks for a sustainable antibiotic future?

2 October 2020

Center for Infectious Disease Research and Policy awarded grant to increase the global impact and accessibility of antimicrobial stewardship

2 October 2020

Buying time: The AMR Action Fund and the state of antibiotic development in the United States 2020

1 October 2020

Buying time: The AMR Action Fund and the state of antibiotic development in the United States 2020

1 October 2020

Opportunities and challenges in antimicrobial resistance behavior change communication

1 October 2020

Two novel investigational drugs targeting antibiotic-resistant infections move into advanced development with HHS

1 October 2020

Use of stewardship smartphone applications by physicians and prescribing of antimicrobials in hospitals: A systematic review

1 October 2020

Emails show pesticide industry effort to influence AMR guidelines

30 September 2020

Antibiotics and antibiotic resistance in our waters – are we up a creek without a paddle?

30 September 2020

ICARS and the Government of Georgia commit to fighting resistance to antibiotics together

30 September 2020

Confronting antimicrobial resistance beyond the COVID-19 pandemic and the 2020 US election

30 September 2020

Changing epidemiology and decreased mortality associated with Carbapenem-resistant Gram-negative bacteria from 2000 – 2017

28 September 2020

Antimicrobial stewardship in patients with acute bacterial skin and skin-structure infections: An international Delphi consensus

28 September 2020

Antimicrobial resistance among children in Africa: need for paediatric clinical trials

28 September 2020

Bacterial and fungal coinfections in COVID-19 patients hospitalized during the New York City pandemic surge

26 September 2020

Code of practice for responsible use of antimicrobials in sheep

25 September 2020

Antibiotic Overuse after Hospital Discharge: A Multi-Hospital Cohort Study

25 September 2020

Rapid antimicrobial resistance detection for early directed therapies against infectious diseases

25 September 2020

Antibiotics must be accessible to citizens who need them

25 September 2020

Europe may face an empty medicine cabinet in the fight against antimicrobial resistance

25 September 2020

Antimicrobial Resistance & Europe: What Happened?

25 September 2020


25 September 2020

Whole-genome sequencing for surveillance of antimicrobial resistance

25 September 2020

AMR publications have doubled in a decade – but what are our next steps?

25 September 2020

Time to clean up the pharmaceutical industry

25 September 2020

Parliament wants the EU to tackle pharmaceutical pollution

25 September 2020

Common Barriers, Attitudes and Practices of Veterinary Practitioners Regarding Antimicrobial Resistance and Stewardship in Bangladesh

25 September 2020

Key genetic clue missing in fight against superbugs

25 September 2020

Emails Show How Pesticide Industry Influenced U.S. Position in Health Talks

24 September 2020

Antimicrobial resistance profiling and phylogenetic analysis of Neisseria gonorrhoeae clinical isolates from Kenya in a resource-limited setting

24 September 2020

WHO report supports global use of genetic sequencing to fight antimicrobial resistance

24 September 2020

From environment to clinic: the role of pesticides in antimicrobial resistance

24 September 2020

‘Pharma resistance’ to battle superbugs

23 September 2020

New high-speed test shows how antibiotics combine to kill bacteria

23 September 2020


23 September 2020

Impact of national guidelines for antimicrobial stewardship to reduce antibiotic use in upper respiratory tract infection and gastroenteritis

22 September 2020

Recommended Post-Market Incentive Strategies to Support the Development of Innovative Antibiotics

22 September 2020

Phages: the tiny viruses that could help beat superbugs

20 September 2020

The Primary Care Perspective on the Norwegian National Strategy against Antimicrobial Resistance

20 September 2020

Apathy of pharma industry and its effects on surface water ecology

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