AMR news related to Healthy Patients

For Healthcare Professionals who want to stay adequately informed on Antimicrobial resistance, AMR Insights offers the most comprehensive overview of recently published, global news and information.

21 October 2018

BD launches molecular test for detecting tuberculosis and multi-drug resistant TB

20 October 2018

Market study finds new antibiotics often not widely distributed globally

20 October 2018

Two tests do well in detecting colistin-resistant Enterobacteriaceae

14 October 2018

Vaccines to tackle drug resistant infections

13 October 2018

De-colonization of therapy dogs lessens risk of MRSA spread, study finds

13 October 2018

Efficacy and tolerability of a cocktail of bacteriophages to treat burn wounds infected by Pseudomonas aeruginosa (PhagoBurn): a randomised, controlled, double-blind phase 1/2 trial

13 October 2018

Paratek Announces FDA Approval of NUZYRA™ (Omadacycline)

13 October 2018

Understanding Antibiotic Resistance in Patients With Cystic Fibrosis

13 October 2018

FDA approves a new antibacterial drug to treat a serious lung disease using a novel pathway to spur innovation

13 October 2018

Study heralds genetic era of TB drug susceptibility testing

29 September 2018

Understanding antibiotic resistance in patients with cystic fibrosis

29 September 2018

South Africa superbug kills six newborns

29 September 2018

New strategy could reduce inappropriate use of antibiotics

29 September 2018

High levels of resistant gut bacteria tied to bloodstream infection risk

29 September 2018

Study finds male gender, catheter use tied to MDR urinary tract infections

29 September 2018

New means to fight “un-killable” bacteria in healthcare settings

15 September 2018

New defence against ‘superbug’ infections

15 September 2018

Challenges in identifying antibiotic resistance targets for point-of-care diagnostics in general practice

15 September 2018

Global spread of three multidrug-resistant lineages of Staphylococcus epidermidis

15 September 2018

Experts brace for more super-resistant gonorrhea

15 September 2018

Typhoid conjugate vaccines: a new tool in the fight against antimicrobial resistance

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