AMR news related to Healthy Animals

For Animal Healthcare Professionals who want to stay adequately informed on Antimicrobial resistance, AMR Insights offers the most comprehensive overview of recently published, global news and information.

10 January 2020

Antibiotic use in chicken farms in northwestern China

8 January 2020

Antimicrobial resistance: preventive approaches to the rescue? Professional expertise and business model of French “industrial” veterinarians

8 January 2020

Antibiotic Resistance in 2020: Fight Fiction with Facts

7 January 2020

Oregano essential oil reduces AMR in calves – study

7 January 2020

Is overuse of antibiotics on farms worsening the spread of antibiotic-resistant bacteria?

2 January 2020

Summary Report On Antimicrobials Sold or Distributed for Use in Food-Producing Animals

2 January 2020

Outbreak of Multidrug-resistant Campylobacter Infections Linked to Contact with Pet Store Puppies

2 January 2020

Communicating the Science of Responsible Antibiotic Use in Animal Agriculture

15 December 2019

Genomic background of a colistin-resistant and highly virulent MCR-1-positive Escherichia coli ST6395 from a broiler chicken in Pakistan

12 December 2019

Summary Report On Antimicrobials Sold or Distributed for Use in Food-Producing Animals

10 December 2019

No time to waste to conserve antibiotics for future generations

7 December 2019

New collaboration to check AMR

6 December 2019

FAO Reference Centre for Antimicrobial Resistance (FAO RC-AMR) at the Department of Veterinary Medicine

5 December 2019

Excessive use of medically important antimicrobials in food animals in Pakistan: a five-year surveillance survey

3 December 2019

Predicting effects of changed antimicrobial usage on the abundance of antimicrobial resistance genes in finisher’gut microbiomes

2 December 2019

Prevalence of Resistant E. Coli in Poultry Farms

2 December 2019

Veterinarians continue to be committed to responsible and judicious use of antimicrobials

28 November 2019

Study Finds Dramatic Increase in Antibiotic Resistance in Livestock

27 November 2019

Anthelmintic Resistance in Ruminants: Who Cares?

25 November 2019

Wales to lead way in responsible antibiotics use in veterinary surgeries

25 November 2019

Faecal carriage, risk factors, acquisition and persistence of ESBL-producing Enterobacteriaceae in dogs and cats and co-carriage with humans belonging to the same household

22 November 2019

Global Initiative on Education in AMR Diagnostics (JPIAMR VRI)

7 November 2019

Antimicrobial Resistance Factors of Extended-Spectrum Beta-Lactamases Producing Escherichia coli and Klebsiella pneumoniae Isolated from Cattle Farms and Raw Beef in North-West Province, South Africa

30 October 2019

Sales of veterinary antibiotics have halved over the past four years

29 October 2019

Reframing Resistance

24 October 2019

Prevalence Rate, Antibiotic Resistance and Biotyping of Thermotolerant Campylobacter Isolated from Poultry Products Vended in Wasit Markets

24 October 2019

Selection and dissemination of antimicrobial resistance in Agri-food production

19 October 2019

Vets hear update in fight against antimicrobial resistance

18 October 2019

Raw meat-based diets for companion animals: a potential source of transmission of pathogenic and antimicrobial-resistant Enterobacteriaceae

17 October 2019

Acidifiers: A piece of the AMR puzzle

8 October 2019

Bristol scientists awarded £1.25 million to study antimicrobial use and resistance in Argentinian farms

7 October 2019

Researchers deploy bacteriophages to fight against antibiotic resistance

4 October 2019

Antibiotic-Free or Organic Poultry Half as Likely to Be Contaminated with Multidrug-Resistant Salmonella, New Research Finds

2 October 2019

Antibiotic resistance in farm animals is rising fast

2 October 2019

Antibiotics Resistance: Taking the road not yet taken

28 September 2019


24 September 2019

Projected Changes in Antimicrobial Consumption by Livestock in 2030

24 September 2019

United States Gathers 350 Commitments to Combat Antibiotic Resistance, Action Must Continue

23 September 2019

Antimicrobial Resistance In Animals Is Getting Worse in Developing Countries

23 September 2019

Global trends in antimicrobial resistance in animals in low- and middle-income countries

20 September 2019

Increasing global antibiotic resistance in food animals requires immediate action

20 September 2019

India among hotspots of antibiotic resistance in animals: Study

20 September 2019

Product-design students’ device aims to reduce AMR in humans

18 September 2019

‘Nanoweapon’ may overcome AMR

18 September 2019

New ReAct policy brief: Antimicrobial resistance and universal health coverage – What’s the deal?

16 September 2019

Comparison of different approaches to antibiotic restriction in food-producing animals: stratified results from a systematic review and meta-analysis

16 September 2019

Antibiotic resistance rising among dolphins, study reveals

14 September 2019

The evolution of antibiotic resistance

14 September 2019

One Health: antibiotic resistance is a crisis that needs action now

14 September 2019

BPC Antibiotics Report 2019

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