AMR news related to Effective Surveillance

For Professionals who want to stay adequately informed on Antimicrobial resistance, AMR Insights offers the most comprehensive overview of recently published, global news and information.

25 October 2019

How to Outsmart Superbugs

25 October 2019

Transmissibility and potential for disease progression of drug resistant Mycobacterium tuberculosis: prospective cohort study

25 October 2019

Multiple importations and transmission of colistin-resistant Klebsiella pneumoniae in a hospital in northern India

24 October 2019

Okayama Declaration of the G20 Health Ministers October 19-20, 2019

22 October 2019

Resistance to antibiotics used to treat harmful stomach infection doubles in 20 years, new study finds

22 October 2019

Impact of an electronic best-practice advisory in combination with prescriber education on antibiotic prescribing for ambulatory adults with acute, uncomplicated bronchitis within a large integrated health system

21 October 2019

Resistance to antibiotics doubles in 20 years, new study finds

21 October 2019

India seeks UN action to combat anti-microbial resistance

20 October 2019

See and Sequence: Integrating Whole-Genome Sequencing Within the National Antimicrobial Resistance Surveillance Program in the Philippines

19 October 2019

ICD Coding for Antibiotic Resistant Infections

19 October 2019

The DISARM Act Proposes New Strategies to Fight The Growing Threat Of Antibiotic Resistance

19 October 2019

Indo-Dutch summit focuses on innovative healthcare solutions

18 October 2019

Hypermutator Pseudomonas aeruginosa exploits multiple genetic pathways to develop multidrug resistance during long term infections in the airways of cystic fibrosis patients

18 October 2019

Community pharmacy can help tackle health inequalities, pharmacy organisations say

18 October 2019

Raw meat-based diets for companion animals: a potential source of transmission of pathogenic and antimicrobial-resistant Enterobacteriaceae

17 October 2019

Antibiotic-resistant urinary tract infections are on the rise

17 October 2019

European countries increase commitment to responsible antibiotic use in animals

17 October 2019

Analysis of antibiotic use in a large network of emergency departments

17 October 2019

AMR-Global partnership with CCAMP in India to tackle biggest global health threats: antimicrobial resistance

14 October 2019

Review of Progress on Antimicrobial Resistance

14 October 2019

WHO Western Pacific steps up efforts to fight antimicrobial resistance

14 October 2019

Emergence of Escherichia coli harboring mcr-1 and mcr-3 gene in North West Algerian farmlands

14 October 2019

The state of social science research on antimicrobial resistance

8 October 2019

Assessment of non-prescription antibiotic dispensing at community pharmacies in China with simulated clients: a mixed cross-sectional and longitudinal study

8 October 2019

The washing machine as a reservoir for transmission of extended spectrum beta-lactamase (CTX-M-15)-producing Klebsiella oxytoca ST201 in newborns

8 October 2019

Candida auris outbreak: Mortality, interventions and cost of sustaining control

8 October 2019

Contact precautions in single-bed or multiple-bed rooms for patients with extended-spectrum β-lactamase-producing Enterobacteriaceae in Dutch hospitals: a cluster-randomised, crossover, non-inferiority study

7 October 2019

Antibiotic resistance: How did we get here?

5 October 2019

Trends and impact of antimicrobial resistance on older inpatients with urinary tract infections (UTIs): A national retrospective observational study

5 October 2019

Taking Antibiotics Before Dental Visits May Cause Serious Side Effects 80% Prescribed Unnecessarily, Study Shows

4 October 2019

Fighting AMR through optimisation

4 October 2019

Antibiotics abuse: Saving money at the expense of one’s health

3 October 2019

£5 million given to AMR research partnerships between UK and Argentina

3 October 2019

Antimicrobial resistance: More quick action is needed in BRICS and MINT economic transition countries

2 October 2019

Antibiotics Resistance: Taking the road not yet taken

2 October 2019

The global prevalence of multidrug-resistance among Acinetobacter baumannii causing hospital-acquired and ventilator-associated pneumonia and its associated mortality: A systematic review and meta-analysis

1 October 2019

Livestock Feed: Antibiotics on your plate

1 October 2019

Impact of multiplex respiratory virus testing on antimicrobial consumption in adults in acute care: a randomized clinical trial

30 September 2019

Crisis of Antimicrobial Resistance in China: Now and the Future

30 September 2019

Trends in MRSA-associated Pneumonia and Septicemias, 2010-2014

30 September 2019

UK to invest in research on evolving global health threats

30 September 2019

Antimicrobial resistance programme to roll out this week in Guyana

30 September 2019

Metapopulation ecology links antibiotic resistance, consumption and patient transfers in a network of hospital wards

28 September 2019

The Macrosecuritization of Antimicrobial Resistance in China

28 September 2019


28 September 2019

Pfizer UK removes sales incentives for anti-infectives

28 September 2019

Carbapenem resistant Enterobacteriaceae – second update

28 September 2019

Multicenter Study of the Accuracy of the BD MAX™ MDR-TB Assay for Detection of Mycobacterium tuberculosis Complex and Mutations Associated with Resistance to Rifampin and Isoniazid

27 September 2019

UK to invest in new research against evolving global health threats

27 September 2019

Taiwan CDC Reports 1st (imported) Case Of XDR-Typhoid

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