AMR news related to Clean Environment

For environmental professionals dedicated to staying ahead of antimicrobial resistance, AMR Insights offers the most comprehensive and up-to-date global news and information. Get the insights you need to make informed decisions and drive meaningful change in the fight against AMR.

18 June 2019

Wildlife is overlooked in the epidemiology of medically important antimicrobial resistant bacteria

4 June 2019

Study shows Nairobi River has alarming levels of antibiotics

2 June 2019

Antimicrobial Resistance Partnership Hub launched in China

28 May 2019

World’s rivers ‘awash with dangerous levels of antibiotics’

21 May 2019

AI-powered ‘knowledge engine’ a game-changer for antibiotic resistance

18 May 2019

UK global approach to tackling the threat of antimicrobial resistance (AMR) gets UN recognition.

18 May 2019

Government launches ‘One Health’ approach to tackle antimicrobial resistance

18 May 2019

WHO Stresses Role of GMP in Combatting Antimicrobial Resistance

17 May 2019

Antibiotics in wastewater: UB chemist investigates a disturbing trend

15 May 2019

Group set up to tackle antibiotic resistance

11 May 2019

‘Antibiotic footprint’ as a communication tool to aid reduction of antibiotic consumption

8 May 2019

Antibiotics in wastewater: UB chemist investigates a disturbing trend

6 May 2019

Hidden (p)Harma Industry Waste Creates Threat of Superbug Plague

4 May 2019

Study Establishes Connection Between Climate and Antimicrobial Resistance

28 April 2019

Degradation and Deactivation of Bacterial Antibiotic Resistance Genes during Exposure to Free Chlorine, Monochloramine, Chlorine Dioxide, Ozone, Ultraviolet Light, and Hydroxyl Radical

28 April 2019

Microbial Diversity and Antimicrobial Resistance Profile in Microbiota From Soils of Conventional and Organic Farming System

18 April 2019

A One Health genomic approach to antimicrobial resistance is essential for generating relevant data for a holistic assessment of the biggest threat to public health

18 April 2019

Meta-transcriptomics reveals a diverse antibiotic resistance gene pool in avian microbiomes

17 April 2019

Scientists Test How Well Water Disinfectants Damage Antibiotic Resistance Genes

16 April 2019

Time-resolved spread of antibiotic resistance genes in highly polluted air.

15 April 2019

Ecological Study Identifies Potential Association Between Antimicrobial Resistance And Climate Change

12 April 2019

Water and wastewater disinfection can help prevent the spread of antibiotic resistant bacteria, but what about their genes?

12 April 2019

Environmental aspects of antibiotic resistance

11 April 2019

Meta-transcriptomics reveals a diverse antibiotic resistance gene pool in avian microbiomes

10 April 2019

How do clean environments affect antibiotic resistance?

8 April 2019

Complexities in understanding antimicrobial resistance across domesticated animal, human, and environmental systems

7 April 2019

A Mysterious Infection, Spanning the Globe in a Climate of Secrecy

6 April 2019

Assessment of antibiotic resistance from long-term bacterial exposure to antibiotics commonly used in fuel ethanol production

6 April 2019

Antibiotic resistance and heavy metal tolerance in cultured bacteria from hot springs as indicators of environmental intrinsic resistance and tolerance levels

5 April 2019

Editorial: Environmental aspects of antibiotic resistance

28 March 2019

Antibiotic resistance in European wastewater treatment plants mirrors the pattern of clinical antibiotic resistance prevalence

28 March 2019

Fighting AMR in the Healthcare Environment: Microbiome-Based Sanitation Approaches and Monitoring Tools

27 March 2019

Testing Shrimp: Industry and government responses

27 March 2019

Getting the priorities right in the fight against antimicrobial resistance

27 March 2019

Time for biocide stewardship?

24 March 2019

Antibiotic resistance is spreading from wastewater treatment plants

22 March 2019

Antibiotics set to flood Florida’s troubled orange orchards

22 March 2019

Antibiotic resistant bacteria found in river water

22 March 2019

Detection of vancomycin-resistant Enterococcus faecium hospital-adapted lineages in municipal wastewater treatment plants indicates widespread distribution and release into the environment

21 March 2019

Antibiotic resistance is spreading from wastewater treatment plants

16 March 2019

Shrimp containing antibiotic-resistant bacteria found in Canadian grocery stores

16 March 2019

Phenotypic and genotypic characterization of antibiotic resistance in the methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus strains isolated from hospital cockroaches

16 March 2019

EPA Proposes Use of 650,000 Pounds of Antibiotics Per Year on Citrus Fields

16 March 2019

IIT Roorkee Organises 22nd ADNAT Symposium

12 March 2019

A “Post-Antibiotic World?”

12 March 2019

Antibiotic Resistance is Spreading from Wastewater Treatment Plants

11 March 2019

A ‘Post-Antibiotic World?’

11 March 2019

Drug resistance effort aided by sewage survey

11 March 2019

Global monitoring of antimicrobial resistance based on metagenomics analyses of urban sewage

11 March 2019

Remodulating hospital microbiota cuts infections and costs

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