What we do

AMR Insights combats antimicrobial resistance (AMR) by informing, educating and connecting professionals worldwide. We concretise this as follows:

The annual International Matchmaking Symposium EADA presents and unlocks for you emerging antimicrobials and AMR diagnostics.

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Missions boost your AMR innovation by driving international collaboration with high opportunity companies around the world.

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The annual International Matchmaking Symposium ADTCA present and unlocks for you new Data Technologies that add to the global curbing of AMR.

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The searchable AMR Insights information platform provide you with access to thousands of news iitems and publications.

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The annual, online International Masterclass AMR makes AMR understandable for you by explaining bacteria, antibiotics, how AMR arises and spreads, and how it can be prevented.

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The biweekly newsletter ‘AMR NEWS’ keeps you carefully informed about innovations, country information, new reports, policy developments and funding opportunities in the field of AMR.

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The global AMR Insights Ambassador Network offers you an inspiring environment with like-minded professionals who want collaborate with you to fight AMR globally.

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The Dutch Consortium Antibiotics and Pharmaceutical Residues from Water offers you an inspiring, internationally oriented group of companies and (healthcare) institutions that together are fighting AMR in water.

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AMRelay brings you and other AMR stakeholders into focus in a spectacular, annual online relay that follows time zones. In doing so, we put you and others in the spotlight and generate attention to the growing AMR problem.

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The Technology Pages are connected to a database that you can easily search with filters. Your technology is in view 24/7 worldwide and you have quick and targeted access to the technologies of others.

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With this coordination, we relieve you of the daily management of clinical and other studies in the field of AMR.

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By chairing your symposium, meeting, event, round table and as a key note speaker we bring in the experience to lead sessions, solid workmanship and the knowledge of AMR to upgrade your international event to your standards.

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The AMR Engagement Group brings to life your projects that make children aware of AMR and make them understand AMR little by little. It teaches your target group of children to prevent AMR ever better.

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The Young Ambassador Network is an umbrella organisation connecting existing and upcoming AMR student initiatives like yours with the goal of fostering collaboration and ensuring continuity in combating AMR.

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Through the GOLD, PLATINUM and DIAMOND Partnerships your organisation is exposed to the global AMR arena: via newsletters, at events, at the information platform and on social media.

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