
Explore the latest blogs by Maarten van Dongen and guest contributors below! If you’re passionate about AMR and would like to share your insights, we’d love to hear from you. Reach out, and you might be invited to contribute to our next blog post!

Antimicrobial resistance (AMR) is a hidden pandemic: “Millions of people die every year from the effects of AMR”

  15 May 2024

Antibiotics save lives, but it is increasingly common for bacteria to become resistant to them. Maarten van Dongen is a molecular and medical microbiologist and founder of AMR Insights, an organization that increases awareness about antimicrobial resistance. He discusses the urgency of this problem and explains how we can combat resistance.

Antimicrobial Stewardship: A Useful Concept?

  26 September 2023

In this blog, Eleanor Kashouris explores the work the concept of AMS is put to and achieves in mobilisations against AMR. 

Antibiotics Resistance the Silent Pandemic: Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA)

  25 May 2023

By Blessing Nkechi Emmanuel Imagine that a pregnant woman who delivered her baby through a cesarean section. The operation went on smoothly and she was later discharged from the hospital, but a few weeks later an infection develops around the surgical wound. This infection poses difficult to treat because it the pathogen involved resists almost […]

Campylobacter infection; The spread and perceived cause of antibiotics-resistant of human Campylobacter infection

  25 May 2023

By Blessing Nkechi Emmanuel Introduction Given an instance, there was a certain small town in rural America where people lived. A day came when the town was struck by a sudden outbreak of Campylobacter, a bacterial infection that causes severe diarrhea, stomach cramp and fever also known as stomach flu or food poisoning. At first, […]

Blog by Ambassador Oluwatosin Akinwotu

  29 April 2023

My name is Oluwatosin Akinwotu and I am a PhD candidate in Environmental Microbiology at the University of Ibadan, Nigeria, with over 8 years of experience in microbial ecology and Antibiotics Resistance-related research.

Antimicrobial Resistance: An Urgent Public Health Crisis

  22 April 2023

The human race has persevered on the planet for millions of years and have become more adapted to its existing environment; however, bacteria have existed a little longer.

Blog by Ambassador Aalaa Afdal

  14 April 2023

My name is Aalaa Afdal, I am from Egypt, and I used to work as a clinical pharmacist in an infectious diseases public hospital. Antimicrobial Stewardship implementation and monitoring is my passion.

Blog by Ambassador Mariska Kreuger

  10 February 2023

This blog by Dr Mariska Kreuger working in Ethiopia is the second blog in a new series by AMR Insights Ambassadors.

Blog by Ambassador Lawrence Mugisha

  04 February 2023

This blog by Dr Lawrence Mugisha from Nigeria is the second blog in a new series by AMR Insights Ambassadors.

The state of antibiotic resistance in Uganda: efforts to combat the problem

  23 January 2023

Antibiotic resistance is a growing problem in Uganda, as it is in many countries around the world.

Blog by Ambassador Jorge Almeida

  23 January 2023

This blog by Jorge Almeida from Mexico is the first blog in a new series by AMR Insights Ambassadors.

The Global Antimicrobial Stewardship Partnership Hub (GASPH): creating conditions for successful global partnership collaboration

  20 September 2022

BSAC has launched the Global Stewardship Partnership Hub (GASPH), as Professor Dilip Nathwani, explains.

Interview Trevor Lithgow

  26 August 2022

Interview with Trevor Lithgow, Director Centre to Impact AMR at Monash University, Melbourne, Australia.

Psittacosis infections associated with livestock and human

  11 April 2022

By Ofeh Augustine Seun Introduction Psittacosis is a zoonotic infectious disease caused by the bacterium Chlamydophilia Psittaci formerly known as  Chlamydia psittaci. They are obligate, intracellular, aerobic, gram-negative like organism that is usually coccoid to rod shape morphologically. They have some virus and bacteria characteristics. This infection affects birds Such as pigeons, ducks, parrots, etc […]

Public comment at the President’s Advisory Council for Combating Antimicrobial Resistant Bacteria

  07 February 2022

The AMR Engagement Group is a new workgroup by and for AMR Insights Ambassadors. This group will focus on education and outreach efforts for children and students around AMR. In this group, experts will have the opportunity to learn from one another, participate in outreach efforts, and lead education with a collaborative spirit.

Summit Consultation ‘Focus on Prescription’

  05 February 2022

AMR experts laid the groundwork for a new global consortium dedicated to the research, development and implementation of ‘awareness gaming’ to combat antimicrobial resistance.

Community behaviors, actions, assumptions and attitudes in relation to social and economic factors in curbing AMR among community of Nyakahura rural ward in Tanzania

  17 January 2022

This project has dual objectives, determined knowledge, behaviors, actions, assumptions and attitudes regarding antimicrobial use (AMU) and AMR in relation to social and economic factors, at the same time increases community’s awareness on AMR and antibiotic use among communities of Nyakahura rural ward in Tanzania.

Meet the Ambassador..

  12 April 2021

Guest blog by Andrew Kemp.

Meet the Ambassador..

  02 March 2021

Guest blog by Ambassador Gilles Courtemanche Antimicrobial resistance is not only the fear that some antibiotics will not work anymore in 30 years on some bacteria found in places where the vast majority of people are not going and probably will never go during their whole life (war zones, urban slums, remote rural areas of […]

Acting on AMR

  07 November 2020

Lees de nieuwe Planet Health die geheel gewijd is aan het onderwerp Antimicrobiële resistentie!

Drug resistant infections are rising – Challenges and Hopes in sub-Saharan Africa

  26 October 2020

Amongst low and middle-income countries (LMICs), especially those in sub-Saharan Africa, AMR is particularly challenging due to the extreme poverty and poor socio-economic circumstances exacerbating sickness and disease.

Mitigating AMR: Lessons from the COVID-19 Pandemic

  19 October 2020

With over a million deaths globally,1 the health, economic and societal impact of COVID-19 has been devastating. The pandemic response has, however, spotlighted areas in healthcare and infection prevention that can be amplified to help avert the silent antimicrobial resistance (AMR) pandemic.

Remarkable Dutch contributions to curbing AMR: the podcast!

  09 October 2020

In a recent podcast made by Marita Mitrović-Lin, Officer for Innovation, Science and Technology of the Netherlands Innovation Network at the Consulate-General of the Kingdom of the Netherlands in Shanghai, three remarkable approaches by Dutch entrepreneurs and scientists to add to the global curbing of Antimicrobial resistance (AMR) were highlighted.

Education precedes awareness on AMR

  02 October 2020

The very first International Masterclass AMR on29 SEP was a great succes. Time to thank the contributing International Experts and the Advisory Board!

Podcast on Sino-Dutch collaboration in curbing AMR

  01 October 2020

Listen or read the text of this podcast and learn how the AMR Insights Ambassador connects continents in curbing AMR.

Improving sanitation and hygiene measures are key to tackle antimicrobial resistance in India

  25 August 2020

India is facing a major public health crisis, with widespread antimicrobial resistance (AMR) reported in humans, animals, and the environment.

A Threat Deadlier Than Climate Change: Antibiotic Resistance

  20 August 2020

If the current antibiotics being used are no longer effective, then even minor infections such as a skin wound could cause death.

WASH Community Programmes Key to Overcome Antimicrobial Resistance in Low and Middle-Income Countries

  10 July 2020

Antibiotics have never been more vulnerable to drug-resistant bacteria and with rates of resistance to some antibiotic-bacterium combinations rising to 80-90% in some LMICs, urgent attention is now needed for sustained, infection prevention across all settings, both healthcare and in the community, to contain AMR.

Targeted hygiene in the home and everyday life setting can reduce antibiotic prescription in children

  13 June 2020

Poor hygiene and sanitation not only increase the risk of infections such as respiratory tract and diarrheal illness leading to unnecessary antibiotic prescriptions but also facilitate spread of AMR.

Meet the Ambassador..

  29 May 2020

Mabel Aworh is an Epidemiologist with a decade of experience in veterinary epidemiology, public health, research and leadership.

Why would an investor care about AMR?

  13 May 2020

Investors will be encouraged to assess and integrate risks, opportunities and impacts related to antimicrobial resistance (applying an antimicrobial resistance and One Health “lens”) when making investment decisions and engaging with investee companies.

Global call to healthcare providers treating COVID-19 patients to implement diagnostic stewardship/microbial diagnostics and exercise prudence in prescribing antibiotics

  21 April 2020

The causal relationship between inappropriate antibiotic use and antibiotic resistance is well established in both hospital and community settings. We thus call on all AMR Insights Ambassadors and other healthcare providers treating COVID-19 patients to implement diagnostic stewardship/microbial diagnostics and exercise prudence in prescribing antibiotics for risk of the collateral damage of escalating antibiotic resistance by undue selection pressure of inappropriate antibiotic use.

AMR may be worse…

  24 March 2020

“The corana virus infections should subside if not disappear, but both know that drug resistant pathogens are getting stronger. They don’t blow whistles and they are more sneaky than viruses”.

Meet the Ambassador… Debbie

  04 March 2020

Antibiotic resistance anywhere is antibiotic resistance everywhere states Debra Goff PharmD. a Global Antibiotic Stewardship expert, Professor of Pharmacy and Infectious Diseases clinical pharmacist at The Ohio State University Wexner Medical Center in Columbus OH USA.

Meet the Ambassador… Arielle

  29 February 2020

I am currently a Senior Microbiologist, Project and Team Leader in Antibacterials, Severe Bacterial Infections Cluster and Bacteriomics Platform at Evotec ID in Lyon, France. My path towards becoming a foot soldier working on the AMR front line developed as follows.

Meet the Ambassador…

  13 February 2020

Jeroen Dewulf graduated as a veterinarian and currently works as full professor in Veterinary Epidemiology at the faculty of Veterinary Medicine of Ghent University in Belgium.

Meet the Ambassador…

  03 February 2020

Dr. Amine Zorgani is Head of Microbiology and team leader at Nuritas in Ireland. He leads a team of experienced Microbiologists to uncover the potential bioactivities of plant-derived peptides. Ireland-based Nuritas uses artificial intelligence to predict bioactive peptides from plant genomes to target several (ESKAPE) human pathogens and food spoiling microbes.

Meet the Ambassador..

  17 January 2020

My name is Shamshul Ansari and I am currently Assistant Professor in Microbiology and Immunology at Chitwan Medical College, Bharatpur, Nepal. I obtained my PhD at Oita University Faculty of Medicine, Oita, Japan and have been teaching microbiology and infectious diseases.

Guest blog: AMR in India

  14 January 2020

Amritanjali Kiran is working as a Senior Associate-Programs at Centre for Cellular and Molecular Platforms(C-CAMP) in the Antimicrobial Resistance Project. Centre for Cellular and Molecular Platforms is an initiative of the Department of Biotechnology, Ministry of Science and Technology, Govt. of India.

Combating AMR in Kenya

  08 January 2020

In December 2019 I visited western Kenya. My aim was to better understand the conditions under which AMR is being combatted in this amazing African country.

Guest blog: Career Pathways into Antimicrobial resistance

  06 December 2019

For most of us we are blessed that nowadays AMR is actively targeted at International, Regional, National, Provincial, District, Hospital and Clinic levels.

Guest blog ‘Blast from the Past – The Known and the Unknown’

  04 December 2019

Santanu Datta of Bugworks, India, shares some very special reminders on AMR. Although this story is little known, parts of this narrative are more like components of a thriller than an undertaking in industrial microbiology.

Guest blog: AMR Insights Symposium November 2019

  26 November 2019

Franca was pleased to attend the AMR Insights Matchmaking Symposium “Emerging Antimicrobials and Diagnostics in AMR 2019” and wrote her impressions in this guest blog.

Guest blog: AMR in Brazil by AMR Insights Ambassador Luciana Sartori

  22 November 2019

AMR Insights Ambassador Luciana Sartori is a veterinarian. She shares her view on AMR in Brazil.

Guest blog: Why I chose for Antimicrobial Resistance in my profession and became an AMR Insights Ambassador

  27 September 2019

Here I would like to introduce you to why I am choosing Healthcare and subsequently Antimicrobial Resistance (AMR) in my profession.

New, easy access Database emerging technologies to curb AMR

  16 September 2019

As part of the CDC AMR Challenge AMR Insights has committed to develop a globally accessible database of emerging technologies that (may) add to curbing AMR.

Guest blog: Why We Should Turn the Phage on Antibiotics

  14 September 2019

Although I’m an infectious disease epidemiologist and a professor with academic appointments in both the US and Canada, my firsthand experience with AMR was intensely personal.

New AMR Insights Ambassador Network

  04 September 2019

The AMR Insights Ambassador Network is a growing, global network of committed professionals.

Antimicrobial resistance in 10 elementary statements

  08 July 2019

Antimicrobial resistance is a complex, multifaceted societal and economic challenge comparable with other global challenges like climate change.

Participating in the UK Global Expert Mission ‘Antimicrobial resistance Germany’

  25 June 2019

At the request of Innovate UK I have participated in the Global Expert Mission ‘Antimicrobial resistance Germany’. Here you find a summary of the inspiring mission and its promising findings.

What is going on with AMR?
Stay tuned with remarkable global AMR news and developments!